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La SRDEII adoptée par le Conseil Régional de Bretagne. Waste To Waves. ECOBOARD Project Benchmark : Sustainable Surf: Ecoboards. ECOBOARD Project Benchmark The ECOBOARD Project helps consumers choose a high-performance sustainable surfboard made with a reduced environmental and toxic impact. The ECOBOARD Project label is the first, independent 3rd party, consumer facing “eco-label” for surfboards. It verifies the use of more sustainable materials in surfboards, made with the latest advancements in green chemistry, recycled and renewable materials. Our science-based program provides a simple “benchmark” for sustainable surfboard materials. Surfers who want an ECOBOARD simply need to ask their shaper to use these materials when ordering their new board. Surfboards made from these materials can be labeled by qualified builders and manufacturers with an ECOBOARD Project label. These logos are individually hand stamped by Sustainable Surf with a unique code for tracking purposes, and then laminated onto the “verified” surfboard during the manufacturing process by the shaper or laminator.

The ECOBOARD Project Founders On New SIMA Partnership. By Kailee Bradstreet Thu, Feb 21 2013 2:47 pm | Comments Slater gets a first hand breakdown of the sustainable surfboard technology that qualifies for an ECOBOARD Project label.. Photo: Nick Allen In September 2011, Michael Stewart and Kevin Whilden started Sustainable Surf on the premise that surfboards could and should be more eco friendly.

A benchmark didn’t seem to exist within the industry providing guidelines to board builders about which materials would make the biggest impact in helping create a truly sustainable board. Whilden and Stewart—drawing on their experience running sustainable product certification programs and best practices from Energy Star and organic food labeling—set out to create a tangible system for surfboards to be eco-certified.

“The surfboard is the core of surfing culture, and it is also one of the most toxic vehicles in action sports,” says Sustainable Surf’s Stewart. What is your main goal? Surfing and sustainability have many parallels. No related posts. Surfing's Toxic Secret. Un recyclage complet. Es mastodontes de la gestion des déchets, comme Véolia ou Sita, s'y sont cassé le nez. Depuis Jauldes, avec sa petite entreprise Polystyrène développement et beaucoup d'idées, Alain Liège est en train de réussir… Il a commencé à mettre en place une filière complète de collecte, compactage et recyclage de déchets en polystyrène expansé.

La démarche est saluée. Sa société aux trois salariés vient de décrocher le prix innovation du concours européen de la Jeune chambre économique française. La récompense n'est pas financière. « Elle est bien plus intéressante », lance Alain Liège. Il s'agit d'un stand gratuit au forum Innovact, en mars, à Reims, qui réunit les jeunes entreprises innovantes, les experts en accompagnement et les investisseurs… « Autodidacte » La Jeune Chambre économique proposera également de l'accompagnement pour décrocher des subventions, des outils de communication et éventuellement une aide pour déposer des brevets. Et des idées, l'entrepreneur en produit en nombre.