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Agriculture & Commerce International

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« GARDAREM LA TERRE ET LA MER » à Nant et sur le Larzac du 14 au 17 juillet 2011.

Philippe Chalmin - Marchés agricoles

How Wall Street starved millions and got away with it. Food Commodities Speculation and Food Price Crises. Food Price Volatility: Market fundamentals and commodity speculation. Timothy A.

Food Price Volatility: Market fundamentals and commodity speculation

Wise As Jayati Ghosh explained in her recent post on the “Frenzy in Food Markets,” high food prices are back and market fundamentals do not adequately explain the price rise. Still, a wide range of analysts and commentators, from Paul Krugman to the International Food Policy Research Institute, dismiss the argument that a significant part of the 2006-8 food price surge was due to speculation. They are more dismissive now, two years further removed from the bursting bubbles of the housing and financial crises.

As Krugman put it in one of several recent blog posts, “I was and remain skeptical about the speculation story in 2007-2008, because of the lack of evidence of inventory accumulation.”