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266 лет краудсорсингу: 5 сайтов коллективных переводов. 1748 год.

266 лет краудсорсингу: 5 сайтов коллективных переводов

Санкт-Петербург. Российская академия наук озабочена наплывом литературы на иностранных языках, закупаемой для пополнения фондов библиотеки. Первоначальный фонд академической библиотеки насчитывал около 16 тыс. книг на всех европейских языках. После того как заведующий библиотекой и по совместительству начальник канцелярии магистр философии И. Д. И вот 12 февраля 1748 года в газете «Санкт-Петербургские ведомости» печатается объявление: «Понеже многие из российских как дворян, так и других разных чинов людей находятся искусны в чужестранных языках: того ради по указу Её И.

Мы не можем сейчас точно сказать, кому в Академической канцелярии пришла в голову эта идея. Кстати говоря, сам термин этот появился только в 2006-м, и придумал его редактор журнала Wired Джефф Хау. Идея краудсорсинга в области языковых переводов стала особенно популярна под влиянием двух факторов — значительного прогресса в технологиях статистического машинного перевода и развития интернета.

Duolingo. 涂鸦王国 插画手绘_插画培训_插画约稿 Asian Equivalents of Western Web Services Part 03: China - Web2Asia - China E-Commerce, Tmall Operations & Digital Marketing Agency. YouTube = Youku? Websites and Their Chinese Equivalents. The Google of China = Baidu Baidu, China's dominant search engine, has a home page and ad-revenue model very similar to Google's, and like its U.S. counterpart, it's moving into other services, including the popular discussion forum Post Bar ( and the Q&A site Baidu Knows (

YouTube = Youku? Websites and Their Chinese Equivalents

Baidu's stock price and traffic grew when Google halted China-based searches after its mid-2010 spat with the Chinese government over censorship. Amazon = Dangdang Dangdang, one of China's earliest VC-funded sites, has, like Amazon, sought to become a general retailer but is still best known for its books. Dangdang, which recently filed for its IPO, does face threats from, which was purchased by Amazon in 2004 and rebranded as Amazon China.

Chinese-Only: Tencent It's impossible to understand the Chinese Internet without knowing about Tencent, the biggest online player by market cap, traffic, and registered users. Best Chinese Tech Clones of 2011 - TechNode. Cloning or copycatting is nothing new in China, but it’s still interesting.

Best Chinese Tech Clones of 2011 - TechNode

For Westerners, especially Americans they loathe cloning. It hurts their pride and is an insult to their creativity and hard work. For Chinese, they love it! It comes as second nature and presents grand opportunity to seize a massive market potential. The best Chinese Pinterest Clones. Pinterest is hot and already the number 3 social network behing Facbook and Twitter.

The best Chinese Pinterest Clones

Like all social networks, clones are to be found in the Chinese digital landscape. Most of them in China are meant to share stuff that can be bought on e-commerce sites like Taobao. Social commerce in china goes beyond sharing. Showing more resemblance to US social commerce shopping sites like The Fancy than Pinterest itself. And with the huge amount of products on Taobao these social sharing platforms are used as a filter to see what trendsetters are selecting for the followers. 16 Pinterest-Clones in China (and More's Coming) !! 16 PInterest-Clones in China (and More's Coming) !!

16 Pinterest-Clones in China (and More's Coming) !!

Everyone knows the legend that Pinterest has made in the last year, and the fire has begun in the China as well - clones are rising up !! So how "heat" is Pinterest in China? Try some casual search on Baidu brings us 17 clones (+1 for Tesent!!) , including two from IT giants: vancl and taobao!! (Hey, I have prepared you some "bonus" at the end too !!! 凡客達人 (Name Translation: "Masters of Vancl", sub-domain of 哇哦! 讀圖 (Name Translation: "Read the Images", by China IT Giant Tencent) Mark 之 (Name Translation: "Mark it! ") 10 Chinese Social Media Sites You Should Be Following. Every social media strategist and industry expert will tell you, the first step in creating an effective social media strategy, at any capacity, is listening.

10 Chinese Social Media Sites You Should Be Following

As social media has evolved, marketers have, too. Your community and customers are already discussing your brand, competitors, and industry – so, finding these conversations and tapping in is your first step to developing any solid, scalable social media strategy. But what if these conversations are happening outside of Twitter and Facebook? By the end of December 2012, China had 564 million Internet users, 50.9 million more than the year before, and representing nearly 40% of the Chinese population! As the world’s largest online community continues to grow, Chinese social media sites have become popular tools to reach Chinese consumers.

China is one of the most restricted countries in the world in terms of internet, but these constraints have directly contributed to the staggering success of local Chinese social media sites. Chinese clones of popular american social services. Caution Boys & Girls!! Charlie Bowater. The Art of Hatem Aly - Hatem's illustration and inspiration blog.

Tyler Edlin Art. Illustrations. Gallery 2 - concept. 马到成功! - casper. Рыцари кисти: Nicolas Bouvier. Уже 17 лет Николя Бувье (aka Sparth) концепт-художник сферы компьютерных игр.

Рыцари кисти: Nicolas Bouvier

Родился во Франции, сейчас живет в Сиэтле, штат Вашингтон, где и работает арт директором в компании Microsoft. В раннем возрасте много путешествовал, был в США, Сингапуре, Китае, Франции и Европе. Visual Development Artist & Illustrator. LadyBugs Inspired by icons of film and fashion, this series puts a buggy twist on the classic 50's pinup.

Visual Development Artist & Illustrator

Amelady(bug)open project » Betty Bumbleopen project » Marilyn Monarchopen project » Bluey Holidayopen project » Harry Potter Inspired Art These pictures are my little contribution to the Potterverse, which I love to pieces. Illustrators. Art by Björn Hurri - CREATOR. ARTBYPAPERCUT. Home - The Art of Edouard Guiton. CGPortfolio. Art of Tae young Choi. 2D artist illustration concept art. Vasili Zorin. CG Persia. Paperwalker Studios (Satzinger & Hardenberg) Blaž Porenta. Art by Theo Prins - Paintings. Miguel Angel Martinez. // - 2d artists homepage with fresh 2d industry news // Visual effect and production training. Robinkeijzer. Cyril corallo portfolio. The Art of John Liberto.

Danny Gardner. David Alvarez Portfolio » Welcome on my Portfolio. Gallery. Carlos Jaugeon Perez on Behance. Gallery. - Art. Art of Charles Santoso. How to draw and paint step by step and videos tutorial learn from professional concept artists. WATERart. Adam Relf Illustration. Feng Zhu Design. Ctrl+Paint - Digital Painting Simplified. STEAMBOT Studios.