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114 – Hope on the ropes | Luke Surl Comics. Chip-giller-global-warming.jpg (JPEG-afbeelding, 400x500 pixels) Depressingcomicweek4.png (PNG-afbeelding, 720x475 pixels) Never Give Up. The Bible ::: Your-personality-type.gif (GIF-afbeelding, 600x475 pixels) Letter7.gif (GIF-afbeelding, 550x330 pixels) Some Award Winning Cartoons | Trapping, Lines, Draw. Environment: Poverty: Population: Humanity (Modern): Terrorism (That is the flag of peace): LOC Problem: (Drawing lines, trapping free birds) Leader: Suicide Scenario: Noknow.jpg (JPEG-afbeelding, 495x691 pixels) Nerd Venn Diagram: Geek, Dork or Dweeb? Evolution.jpg (JPEG-afbeelding, 500x331 pixels) Your-personality-type_display.jpg (JPEG-afbeelding, 600x475 pixe. Dawkins_large.jpg (JPEG-afbeelding, 800x600 pixels) Tech and Amusing Stuff » Creating a ghost out of chicken wire.