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Virtual Communities, Social Media & Virtual Worlds. Engelbart: Augmenting Human Intellect (1962) These hypotheses imply great richness in the new evolutionary spaces opened by progressing from Stage 3 to Stage 4. We would like to study the hypotheses further, examining their possible manifestations in our experience, ways of demonstrating their validity, and possible deductions relative to going to Stage 4. In search of some simple ways to determine what the Neo-Whorfian hypothesis might imply, we could imagine some relatively straightforward means of increasing our external symbol-manipulation capability and try to picture the consequent changes that could evolve in our language and methods of thinking. Actually, it turned out to be simpler to invert the problem and consider a change that would reduce our capability for external symbol manipulation.

Pirate Bay.

Pearltrees videos

Top Ten Key of Awesome Song Parodies. Anyone who spends an inordinate time on YouTube should be familiar with the channel The Key of Awesome, self-described as a “weekly musical comedy show spoofing celebrities, pop-culture and the latest internet memes.”

Top Ten Key of Awesome Song Parodies

To date, their first season has 87 episodes, some being videos and others being responses or behind-the-scenes to their musical episodes. Best of all, no one is safe. Want to bug your little sister about her Justin Beiber obsession? Show her one (or both!) Of their Justin Beiber spoofs!

Getting started