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Writing for web

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Writing for the Web. Web Page Copy Writing - Content Optimization - Part 1. Writing for the Web. Best Practices Approach to Writing for the Web: Nine Quick Tips | Tidal Web Development. Groundwire. West Coast firm transfers clients to experts in Plone hosting UPDATE Mar. 12th, 2013: The board at Groundwire asked us to share this official press release (PDF) to help explain what has happened.

INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 1, 2013 - Six Feet Up has acquired 110 Plone hosting clients from a partner in Seattle., an agency that helps non-profit organizations with their web strategy and development needs, has decided to exit the hosting business. They determined it was best for their clients to transfer all of their managed web hosting services to Six Feet Up.

The clients will receive hosting, support, and Plone enhancements from Six Feet Up. “This is a significant expansion of Plone hosting clients that we serve.” said Six Feet Up CTO, Calvin Hendryx-Parker. Six Feet Up operates two data centers for Python-based web applications, like Plone, and specializes in developing and hosting sophisticated web applications. Plone is an open source enterprise web content management system. What Are the Best Practices for Web Writing? With an estimated 20 billion individual webpages and growing, it is easy to see the immediate need for even more electronic flotsam and jetsam floating around the Internet. After all, the Internet isn't going to write itself, despite the early promise of Google's top secret "Ten Thousand Monkeys With Laptops" program. For writers, the vastness and complete lack of self- editorial moxie found on the Internet makes it an ideal canvas for short, informative articles written for a general and often international audience.

Inquiring minds really do want to know when the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor, or who really did put the "ram" in the "ram-a-lama ding dong". Go ahead, tell them. Writing for the Web does call for some morphing of traditional journalistic writing styles. Many Internet users are interested in gleaning the most pertinent facts in the shortest time possible, which means the writer shouldn't hold those facts hostage until the final paragraph.

Lists and Tables Grammatical Person.