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17/12/2004 IntelligenceReform&terrorismPrev.Act. Home. Directeur du renseignement national. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. National Intelligence Council - Global Trends. For nearly two decades, National Intelligence Council's Global Trends Report has been shaping strategic conversations within and beyond the US Government.

National Intelligence Council - Global Trends

In creating the report, the NIC engages expertise from outside government on factors of such as globalization, demography and the environment, producing a forward-looking document to aid policymakers in their long term planning on key issues of worldwide importance. Since the first Global Trends was released in 1997, the audience for each report has expanded, generating more interest and reaching a broader audience that the one that preceded it. A new Global Trends report is published every four years following the U.S. presidential election. NIC (ODNI_NIC) sur Twitter. ODNI Docs. In News on February 17, 2013 at 6:34 PM As a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, EPIC has obtained previously secret training slides from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the agency’s guidelines for collection, dissemination, and retention of information about United States citizens.


EPIC had sued the agency after it failed to respond to several FOIA requests about the agency’s plan to increase data collection on Americans. The documents just obtained by EPIC as a result of the lawsuit outline policies for collecting data and shed light on the legal standard to retain data indefinitely. The guidelines allow for unlimited retention of information about U.S. persons if there is a “reasonable and articulable suspicion” that the information is terrorism information.

The agency concedes that “there is no requirement that the analyst’s wisdom be rock solid or infallible” and allows retention “even if the facts individually appear innocent in nature.”