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Stack machine. The common alternative to stack machines are register machines, in which each instruction explicitly names the specific registers to use for operand and result values.

Stack machine

Practical expression-stack machines[edit] For a typical instruction like Add, both operands implicitly come from the topmost (most recent) values of the stack, and those two values get replaced by the result of the Add. The instruction's operands are 'popped' off the stack, and its result(s) are then 'pushed' back onto the stack, ready for the next instruction.

Decathlon. Decathlon combines four runs, three jumps and three throws.


Format[edit] Men's decathlon[edit] The vast majority of international and top level men's decathlons are divided into a two-day competition, with the track and field events held in the order below. Traditionally, all decathletes who finished the event do a round of honour together after the competition, rather than just the winner or medalling athletes. Beekeeping. Beekeeping in Serbia Beekeeping (or apiculture, from Latin: apis "bee") is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives, by humans.


A beekeeper (or apiarist) keeps bees in order to collect their honey and other products that the hive produces (including beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly), to pollinate crops, or to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or "bee yard". Depictions of humans collecting honey from wild bees date to 15,000 years ago, efforts to domesticate them are shown in Egyptian art around 4,500 years ago.

OurCulture: CommunityCurrency/Cyfranogi. サンポ. ポホヨラのサンポを盗み出したワイナミョイネンを襲撃する魔女たちと、それに応戦するワイナミョイネン(カレワラでの情景) サンポ(Sampo)とは、フィンランド神話に出てくる、持つ者に幸福をもたらす神秘的な人工物である。


但し、それが何であるかは誰も知らない。 カレワラでのエリアス・リョンロートの解釈によると、それは何もない所から小麦粉と塩と金を作る機械であった。 Frecency. English[edit] Etymology[edit] Blend of frequency and recency Pronunciation[edit] IPA(key): /ˈfriːsənsi/


Palak paneer. Palak paneer is one type of saag, which can also be made with mustard leaves.

Palak paneer

Palak paneer may be somewhat more watery than saag paneer. Serving[edit] This dish is mainly served with roti, naan or boiled rice. Dhaba restaurants specialise in palak paneer. See also[edit] Origin of Phrase "Deckchairs on the Titanic" セカンドソース. Cryptozoology. Cryptozoology is not a recognized branch of zoology or a discipline of science.[2] It is an example of pseudoscience because it relies heavily upon anecdotal evidence, stories and alleged sightings.[3][4][5] Overview[edit] The coining of the word cryptozoology is often attributed to Belgian-French zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans, though Heuvelmans attributes coinage of the term to the late Scottish explorer and adventurer Ivan T.


Sanderson.[6] Heuvelmans' 1955 book On the Track of Unknown Animals traces the scholarly origins of the discipline to Anthonie Cornelis Oudemans and his 1892 study, The Great Sea Serpent.[7] Heuvelmans argued that cryptozoology should be undertaken with scientific rigor, but with an open-minded, interdisciplinary approach. “dot voting” - Google Image Search. Bit rot. トラックナンバーとは - はてなダイアリー. Network coding. It has been proven that linear coding is enough to achieve the upper bound in multicast problems with one or more sources.[1] However linear coding is not sufficient in general (e.g. multisource, multisink with arbitrary demands), even for more general versions of linearity such as convolutional coding and filter-bank coding.[2] Finding optimal coding solutions for general network problems with arbitrary demands remains an open problem.

Network coding

Encoding and decoding[edit] In a linear network coding problem, a group of nodes are involved in moving the data from source nodes to sink nodes. Single-point urban interchange. Schematic of a freeway-under SPUI where traffic drives on the right.

Single-point urban interchange

Traffic entering the freeway is in red. Traffic exiting the freeway is in green. Through traffic is in gray. All traffic motion of the same color can proceed simultaneously. A single-point urban interchange (SPUI, /ˈspuːiː/ or /ˈspjuːiː/), also called a single-point interchange (SPI) or single-point diamond interchange (SPDI), is a type of highway interchange. しらべるが行く: あいみつ. ホワイトカラーエグゼンプション. ホワイトカラーエグゼンプション(または、ホワイトカラーイグゼンプション、英: white collar exemption、ホワイトカラー労働時間規制適用免除制度)は、いわゆるホワイトカラー労働者(主に事務に従事する人々を指す職種・労働層)に対する労働法上の規制を緩和・適用免除すること、またはその制度。


各国の労働法制において、労働時間の規制がなされていることを前提としてその規制の適用を免除し、または例外を認めることで、労働時間の規制を緩和することをいう。 狭義には労働時間そのものに関する規制についての緩和を指すものであるが、労働時間規制に付随する規制として、労働時間に応じた賃金の支払いの強制や、一定の時間を超えた超過時間についての割増賃金の適用義務化などが設定されていることから、広義にはこれらの適用の免除についても本制度の範疇として理解される。 Exception(例外)との混同かホワイトカラーエグゼプションと書かれる場合もあるが、英語表記はexemption(免除)である。 Y日記 - オーバー・ポスドク問題:文献紹介. Interleaving. 出藍の誉れ(藍よりいでし青は、藍より青し) ブレイクスルー思考とは. Pink noise. Within the scientific literature the term pink noise is sometimes used a little more loosely to refer to any noise with a power spectral density of the form.

Gentrification: Definition and Much More from Answers. Gentrification is a dynamic that emerges in poor urban areas when residential shifts, urban planning, and other phenomena affect the composition of a neighborhood.[1] Urban gentrification often involves population migration as poor residents of a neighborhood are displaced. In a community undergoing gentrification, the average income increases and average family size decreases. This generally results in the displacement of the poorer, pre-gentrification residents, who are unable to pay increased rents, and property taxes, or afford real estate. Often old industrial buildings are converted to residences and shops. New businesses, which can afford increased commercial rent, cater to a more affluent base of consumers—further increasing the appeal to higher income migrants and decreasing the accessibility to the poor.

Often, resident owners unable to pay the taxes are forced to sell their residences and move to a cheaper community.[2][3] Foible: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers. Transhumance. A seter in Gudbrandsdal, Norway. It is above the tree line in the mountains and is used for summer pasture. Fetid: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers. The Turk. Turk reconstruction Construction[edit] Kempelen was inspired to build The Turk following his attendance at the court of Maria Theresa of Austria at Schönbrunn Palace, where François Pelletier was performing an illusion act. An exchange following the performance resulted in Kempelen promising to return to the Palace with an invention that would top the illusions.[2] A copper engraving of the Turk, showing the open cabinets and working parts.

Note the ruler to the bottom right of the image, which makes it easier to determine the automaton's dimensions. Adjudicate: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers. Conflate: Definition and Much More from Answers. Vernacular: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers. A vernacular is the native language or native dialect of a specific population, as opposed to a language of wider communication that is a second language or foreign language to the population, such as a national language, standard language, or lingua franca. The oldest known vernacular manuscript in Scanian (Danish, c. 1250.) It deals with Scanian and Scanian Ecclesiastical Law. Trope: Definition and Much More from Answers. A piece of music, in the Middle Ages, complementary to plainchant. Magic circle. Common terms and practices[edit] A solomonic magic circle with a triangle of conjuration in the east.

This would be drawn on the ground, and the operator would stand within the protection of the circle while a spirit was conjured into the triangle. [citation needed] Traditionally, circles were believed by ritual magicians to form a protective barrier between themselves and what they summoned.[1] In modern times, practitioners generally cast magic circles to contain and concentrate the energy they believe to raise during a ritual. Transgress: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers. Dansk (Danish) v. tr. - overtræde, overskride, brydev. intr. - overtræde loven, synde. Insidious: Definition and Much More from Answers. Dansk (Danish) adj. - lumsk, snigende. Cutover. Download DVD (ISO image) Nutch. Consumer Electronics Show. Payload. Data drilling. Acquiesce: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers. Silent trade. Weal: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers.

Blue-sky: Definition and Much More from Answers. Deep pocket: Definition and Much More from Answers. Initial public offering. Rich Internet application. ぐわんげ.