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Mobile devices

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What Can We Learn From the Global Effort Around Mobile Learning? Closing the achievement gap and giving all students access to a world of learning online remains one of the strongest allures of education technology. In the U.S., that conversation is often centered on the newest shiny device, slickest software or free app, but internationally mobile technology is revolutionizing learning too, often without fancy gadgets. Recognizing the creative learning strategies being implemented in developing countries could help expand thinking in the U.S and inform the ongoing discussion about how to use technology to deepen learning. “In developing countries, mobile has leap-frogged fixed-line connectivity,” said Steve Vosloo, a program specialist, in mobile learning at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

“People who were never connected before have access.” Africa is the fastest growing mobile market and the second largest after Asia. [RELATED READING: What Will it Take to Bring Mobile Ed to the Developing World?] k12 prjct tmrw mbl rpt 2012. Do mobile devices enhance teaching and learning? NAIS News Kitty Thuermer Fall 2012 Page Content Increasingly, independent schools are embracing mobile devices to enhance teaching and learning.

The NAIS 2012 Mobile Learning Survey Report found that 75 percent of independent schools currently use mobile learning devices in at least some grades, and 12 percent of independent schools are actively planning to use mobile learning devices. According to Susan Booth, senior director of strategic initiatives at NAIS, the 33-page report can help school leaders inform curriculum, professional growth, and technology planning. NAIS members can access this report for free on the NAIS website ( using their NAIS username and password. Learning Counsel | Moving from Mobile Devices to Mobile Learning. Teaching with Tablets: Mobile Devices Transforming the Classroom.

For years, tablets have enriched our lives at work and at home, allowing us to stay connected and access information with unprecedented ease. But they’re also playing a growing role in the classroom, upending traditional models of learning. [tweet_quote]Can mobile devices reshape education for the better? [/tweet_quote] Any parent can tell you that kids are prone to distraction, especially when you put mobile devices in their hands. Yet, research from Project Red suggests that in a classroom setting these technologies can have the opposite effect, helping young students engage with academic subjects and making them more eager to learn.

That’s one of the reasons why educators are beginning to embrace tablets as learning tools. “Schools are definitely adopting mobile technology for students across the board,” said Elizabeth Crawford, who handles education marketing and strategy at Intel. “It’s preparing them with the 21st century skills they’ll need in today’s workforce,” said Crawford. Engage students with mobile learning. The issue With increasing numbers of people accessing the internet using mobile devices, organisations need to embrace mobile learning quickly. By adopting mobile learning, organisations can increase learner satisfaction and retention, widen participation and potentially reduce costs. What you can do Mobile learning allows the learner to communicate with tutors and peers, as well as access learning resources, while on the move. It facilitates “just in time” learning and the ability to gather and submit evidence for assessment. Incorporate mobile learning into your organisation’s strategy Our mobile learning detailed guide will take you through the stages needed to incorporate mobile learning into your organisation’s strategy and put in place a rigorous implementation plan.

One of the key challenges from our recent digital student project was to develop coherent ‘bring your own’ policies. Work out the cost benefits Embrace open technologies to support a growing range of devices Looking forward. From Distraction to Learning Tool: Mobile Devices in the Classroom -- Campus Technology. Mobile | Feature From Distraction to Learning Tool: Mobile Devices in the Classroom A journalism professor at the University of Maryland is using tablets to engage his students. Once banned in the classroom, mobile devices are becoming more accepted as a teaching and learning tool. Yet teaching methods have not caught up with mobile's potential, according to Ron Yaros, assistant professor of new media and mobile journalism at the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism. "Under the current methods of teaching in higher education, a mobile device can be a distraction rather than a helpful tool," said Yaros.

"Nobody seems to be looking at how to teach with smart devices, while keeping students engaged. " His assertion is backed up by a recent University of Central Florida survey on mobile learning practices in higher education: Among students who owned a tablet, 82 percent said they used the device for academic purposes. About the Author. Mobile Learning Technologies for 21st Century Classrooms. By Jonathan Wylie The mobile revolution is here. More and more schools are moving toward mobile learning in the classroom as a way to take advantage of a new wave of electronic devices that offer portability and ease of use on a budget. Netbooks, iPads, cell phones, iPods, e-readers and even PDAs are increasingly becoming the tools of choice for today's educators, and it is easy to see why.

Mobile learning technologies offer teachers-and students-a more flexible approach to learning. In 2001, Marc Prensky warned us, "Our students have changed radically. The education system we work in is not always known for its speed at latching on to new ideas and methodologies, but with mobile learning it is catching up-quickly. The research that has been done on the use of mobile apps like these has been very promising. Studies like these help underline the academic potential that mobile learning devices can have to enrich the learning process for students. So what about e-readers? Mobile devices in learning. Managing mobile devices in the classroom | Office of Teaching & Learning. DU is a laptop university meaning that all undergraduates are required to purchase a laptop when attending this university, and most graduate students own laptops.

However, the presence of laptops and other mobile devices such as smart phones have caused a disturbance in the classroom. What’s the problem? Students, and let’s be honest, all of us, have daydreamed, doodled, or otherwise not paid full attention in class or meetings long before laptops were around. However, most instructors feel that laptop use is different. Why? Students can’t learn unless they are paying attention or otherwise engaged in what they are learning. Laptops and cell phones compete with us for our students’ attention in class.The presence of laptops creates a physical barrier between students and the instructor.

What are the benefits? Even with its distractions, let us not forget some of the numerous benefits of laptop and wireless technology and why they have become so common in universities. 3. EM079254. Learning through mobile devices.