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Announcing Spring Jena. On the heels of Groovy SPARQL, here is an initial code base for standard Java and Spring applications -- Spring Jena! The Spring folks have been putting together an impressive portfolio of data oriented capabilities for NoSQL data stores. To compliment the those capabilities, here is Spring Jena - a project I hope to propose back to the Spring community to provide direct Jena API support and direct SPARQL. Much like Groovy SPARQL, this is a relatively simple code base that applies the template design pattern to Jena and ARQ to simplify every day needs for creating, modifying, and querying RDF data. There is a lot more work to do here, most noteably the parameterized queries. Get Spring Jena @ Github here. The roadmap includes: Enjoy! Apache Jena - Apache Jena.

Linked data

Linked Data Basics for Techies - OpenOrg. Intended Audience This is intended to be a crash course for a techie/programmer who needs to learn the basics ASAP. It is not intended as an introduction for managers or policy makers (I suggest looking at Tim Berners-Lee's TED talks if you want the executive summary). It's primarily aimed at people who're tasked with creating RDF and don't have time to faff around. It will also be useful to people who want to work with RDF data. RDF is a data structure perfect for people creating mash-ups! Please Feedback-- especially if something doesn't make sense!!!!

If you are new to RDF/Linked Data then you can help me! I put a fair bit of effort into writing this, but I am too familar with the field! If you are learning for the first time and something in this guide isn't explained very well, please drop me a line so I can improve it. Warning Some things in this guide are deliberately over-simplified. Alternatives (suggest more!) Structure Tree data: (JSON, XML.) Graph data: (RDF). RDFa. Linked Data - Design Issues. Up to Design Issues The Semantic Web isn't just about putting data on the web. It is about making links, so that a person or machine can explore the web of data. With linked data, when you have some of it, you can find other, related, data. Like the web of hypertext, the web of data is constructed with documents on the web. However, unlike the web of hypertext, where links are relationships anchors in hypertext documents written in HTML, for data they links between arbitrary things described by RDF,.

The URIs identify any kind of object or concept. But for HTML or RDF, the same expectations apply to make the web grow: Use URIs as names for things Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. Simple. The four rules I'll refer to the steps above as rules, but they are expectations of behavior. The first rule, to identify things with URIs, is pretty much understood by most people doing semantic web technology. The second rule, to use HTTP URIs, is also widely understood. Tim BL. Makers.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing. Natural Language Processing-(NLP) Tools. Natural language. Open-data provider. The Semantic Web in Action - Scientific American - December 2007. Lee Feigenbaum, Ivan Herman, Tonya Hongsermeier, Eric Neumann and Susie Stephens (See sidebar.) Six years ago in this magazine, Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila unveiled a nascent vision of the Semantic Web: a highly interconnected network of data that could be easily accessed and understood by any desktop or handheld machine. They painted a future of intelligent software agents that would head out on the World Wide Web and automatically book flights and hotels for our trips, update our medical records and give us a single, customized answer to a particular question without our having to search for information or pore through results.

Since then skeptics have said the Semantic Web would be too difficult for people to understand or exploit. Not so. Just below the Surface The Semantic Web is not different from the World Wide Web. Perhaps the most visible examples, though limited in scope, are the tagging systems that have flourished on the Web. Case Study 1: Drug Discovery. S is for Semantics. Ontology Library. 5 star Open Data. Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web and Linked Data initiator, suggested a 5 star deployment scheme for Open Data. Here, we give examples for each step of the stars and explain costs and benefits that come along with it. By Example ... Below, we provide examples for each level of Tim's 5 star Open Data plan. The example data used throughout is 'the temperature forecast for Galway, Ireland for the next 3 days': Costs & Benefits ... What are the costs & benefits of ★ Web data?

As a consumer ... ✔ You can look at it. ✔ You can print it. ✔ You can store it locally (on your hard drive or on an USB stick). ✔ You can enter the data into any other system. ✔ You can change the data as you wish. ✔ You can share the data with anyone you like. As a publisher ... ✔ It's simple to publish. ✔ You do not have explain repeatedly to others that they can use your data. What are the costs & benefits of ★★ Web data? As a consumer, you can do all what you can do with ★ Web data and additionally: Splendid! RDF/SPARQL. Virtuoso SPARQL Query Editor. The D2RQ Platform – Accessing Relational Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs. RDF2Go. RDF2Go is an abstraction over triple (and quad) stores. It allows developers to program against rdf2go interfaces and choose or change the implementation later easily. About The three main features of RDF2Go are: Program now, decide on triple store later - triple-centric API Easy to extend - only a few simple methods have to be implemented by a triple (or quad) store Triple and quad support - All techniques are available for triple and quad models RDF2GO is released under the new BSD license.

Alternative licensing is possible, just ask us. The project is funded by the European projects Knowledge Web, NEPOMUK and PLAY. Download and Maven access Download releases from directory For changelog, please consult the module-changelogs Maven repositories for all modules: Maven dependencies: <dependency><groupId>org.semweb4j</groupId><artifactId>rdf2go.api</artifactId><version>4.8.3</version></dependency> Implementations Jena Adapter (rdf2go.impl.jena) Sesame Adapter (rdf2go.impl.sesame) Maven repository. Namespace lookup for RDF developers |