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El blosss d'Andaira. Vídeo tutoriales, consejos y trucos sobre maquillaje, moda, belleza, nutrición, salud y recetas de cocina. ¿Qué es el edelweiss?

vídeo tutoriales, consejos y trucos sobre maquillaje, moda, belleza, nutrición, salud y recetas de cocina.

El edelweiss o flor de las nieves, es una pequeña flor característica de los Alpes. Está cubierta de una fina pelusa, es de color blanco casi brillante, y tienen el centro dorado o amarillo. El término edelweiss es de origen germánico y en castellano se pronuncia "edelvais". Significa "blanco noble" o "blanco puro" (edel=noble o puro, weiss=blanco).Esta flor emblemática fue esquilmada durante años, habiendo desaparecido de muchos lugares, por lo que está prohibida su recolección en algunas zonas. En la actualidad, en España se encuentra sólamente en el Pirineo, y raramente, en las montañas del norte de León.El edelweiss se esconde bajo la apariencia de una sola flor, pero en realidad es un conjunto de diminutas florecillas que han evolucionado y crecen agrupadas para sobrevivir. ¿Dónde comprar el broche que llevas en el video? Es un broche artesanal de Little Chic Things. ¿Dónde comprar en anillo que lllevas en el video?

Es un anillo artesanal de Baby Kitty Shakira. Elena y las cosas de cada día. VÍSTETE QUE VIENEN CURVAS. - Giannyl. Fashonista. Manualidades. Help.

Vidéos Pearltrees

How to make a paper flower. This is a flower that I put together for a series of projects that I've been working on for the shop.

how to make a paper flower

I was going to include it with the Petal Collection, but I decided that this was one worth sharing. It doesn't require any fancy equipment at all! Materials - Red card stock paper (less than a letter-sized sheet) - Brown card stock paper - Pencil - Scissors - Bone folder - Cutting mat - Glue - Clothespins (optional) Step 1 Cut out 8 petals that are similar to a heart shape but with a flat bottom.

Cut the center of each petal about 1/2" (13mm) vertically, as shown by the white lines in the photo below. Artevariado. DIY ~ Stamp-carving tutorial by Ishtar Olivera. Stamp-carving is one of those crafts that, whenever I see it, I think ‘I must try that!’.

DIY ~ Stamp-carving tutorial by Ishtar Olivera

I had to share this tutorial by Ishtar Olivera, because how cute are the stamps she carves? We featured a really lovely stamp-carving tutorial in Issue 2 of *bespoke* – I thought the same thing back then, but this has reminded me to give it a go! Then I could make pretty things like this… {Memi the Rainbow} {Hug Fish and Orange} Creative upcycle and downcycle ideas. Feb I don’t often post about miniatures but this one is so cute!

Creative upcycle and downcycle ideas

And the best part is the main material for the tiny chocolates in this mini candy box is made from the original wrappers the full size chocolates are … There is a whole bunch of cute Valentine card ideas over at Buttons and Paint that you can make with recycled paint swatches or just about any paper.… This idea for making little Valentine treat bags filled with Legos is just darling. pop on over to the blog Kojo Designs for the free Lego Valentine Printable. If you have windows you can now look at them as canvases for your doodles, art and a great way to add a little bit of holiday cheer as I have done for Valentine’s Day. This idea is soooooo cute! Pallets are such a great resource for recycled wood. If you happen to be in need of a bench and have a spare coffee table (or score one at a yard sale or curbside) pop on over to the blog Measured and Slow for a great tutorial on how … Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY.

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