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Stigma and discrimination of mental health problems: workplace implications. There is a current policy spotlight on providing greater employment support for people with mental health problems [1,2].

Stigma and discrimination of mental health problems: workplace implications

The key role of occupational health professionals in helping employers and employees to negotiate common mental health problems in the workplace has previously been emphasized [3]. This editorial will focus on one key aspect of mental health problems in the workplace: stigma and discrimination. There is evidence that people with mental health problems report being turned down for a job because of their mental health problem [4,5] or stopping themselves from looking for work because they anticipate discrimination [6]. Disclosure of a mental health problem in the workplace can also lead to discriminatory behaviours from managers and colleagues such as micro-management, lack of opportunities for advancement, over-inferring of mistakes to illness, gossip and social exclusion [7]. Funding. — It's about the brain. It's about the environment. It's about being human.

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