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About: Jaret Manuel. 40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins. May 27 2009 WordPress is a great blogging platform with a potential of being an easy to use content management system.

40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins

This is the third article of our three-part series, “The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress”. We are taking a look at 40+ quality and useful WordPress Plug-ins that will turn a simple WordPress site into a blazing fast dynamic one, with easily managed content, that you and your clients will love to use. 10 Wordpress Plugins Guaranteed to Save You Time. In these days of the ever-increasing competitive world of the web, time is as valuable as money.

10 Wordpress Plugins Guaranteed to Save You Time

To be noticed, and to stay at the top of the game, content writers must post a lot of content on a regular basis. To keep up with time constraints, WordPress plugin authors provide an array of useful plugins that will drastically reduce the time required to write, format, and post your content.