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Mark M Manning - Gigantic_outdoor_marijuana_plant.jpg (JPEG Image, 587x839 pixels. Peripheral Thought. KML viewer. Welcome to | Open Source Tools by Joshua D. Abraham. S.E.F. - Social Engineering Framework S.E.F. is a framework to make social engineering easier for pentesters. It contains tons of tools like a tool to generate email addresses based on names found online. It has a tool to send out phishing emails using email templates. GISKismet GISKismet is a wireless recon visualization tool to represent data gathered using Kismet in a flexible manner. PBNJ is a suite of tools to monitor changes on a network over time. Nmap-Banners Patch for Nmap that adds banner grabbing functionality to XML and prints it to STDOUT. Getwifi Getwifi allows Linux users to join wireless networks easily by joining available networks in an order specified by the user.

Backtrack BackTrack is the most Top rated linux live distribution focused on penetration testing. I have been on the development team since before BackTrack 1 beta. Fierce Fierce is a Perl script that quickly scans domains (usually in just a few minutes, assuming no network lag) using several tactics. Nikto BeEF. [HowTo] Network Stumbling Using Kismet or airodump-ng with gpsd. Gpsd | Using your GPS device with BackTrack - Technology-UNIX. CIA gets open source for enterprise search - Applications - Comp. The company providing technology to the US intelligence community has invested in an open-source firm to provide enterprise-search technology to the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

In-Q-Tel is investing in Lucid Imagination, which provides support, maintenance, training and add-on software for the Apache Software Foundation's Lucene and Solr search projects. Lucene is an information retrieval library that can be used for full-text indexing and search. Solr is an enterprise-search server based on Lucene. The companies did not disclose the nature of the investment but said that it is aimed at making Lucid's open-source enterprise-search software more prevalent in the U.S. intelligence community. Lucid officially launched in February after securing initial funding in October of last year, said Anil Uberoi, chief marketing officer of the fledgling company. "They were very nervous about not having a commercial entity to support this," Uberoi said. 1001 Freelance Projects. Free Credit Report and Credit Score Online by Experian. Websites.

Leveraging the Google Data Mine. Have you “googled” today? Did you reach this page by “googling”? If so, you’ve seen the future, and you are part of it, even if you don’t realize it just yet. In fact, there’s a lot more going on at Google than just searching. I’m going to talk about what Google does, knows — as well as what you should do and know to get the most out of it. True enough, Google is best known for its powerful search engine, which draws upon a massive database of web pages, videos, images, stock quotes, phone numbers, addresses, and other chunks of media and data to provide relevant information — all in the time it takes to strike a key. The name of the world’s largest search engine has become synonymous with searching the Internet. It is easy to forget that we’re not alone when we’re searching. To fully understand Google’s potential power, sit back for a moment and consider how Google works in a bit more detail.

All this happens without any human intervention. What Does Google Know? What Google Can Do. Gartner: Private cloud networks the future of corporate IT | ITw. December 08, 2008, 10:46 AM — The future of corporate IT is in private clouds, flexible computing networks modeled after public providers such as Google and Amazon yet built and managed internally for each business's users, the analyst firm Gartner says. Cloud computing hype centers largely around the outsourcing of IT needs to cloud services available over the Internet.

While this trend is expected to accelerate, Gartner predicts it will also become standard for large companies to build their own highly automated private cloud networks in which all resources can be managed from a single point and assigned to applications or services as needed. "Our belief is the future of internal IT is very much a private cloud," says Gartner analyst Thomas Bittman. "Our clients want to know 'what is Google's secret? What is Microsoft's secret? ' While Bittman says it will take years for private clouds to develop, some early adopters are already "Google-izing" their own data centers. The Case for Private Clouds. June 01, 2009, 9:54 AM — If you've been reading this series, you now have a better understanding of the much-discussed term "private cloud.

" In the previous two parts of this series, I described the features and service capabilities of private clouds. In particular, I noted that the move to private cloud computing requires the separation of infrastructure provisioning and business application resource consumption. In essence, a private cloud requires that resource requests and provisioning must interact as service requests and responses in an automated environment, avoiding any manual intervention.

Now I want to focus on benefits and challenges of a private cloud implementation. Obviously, there's a lot of excitement about cloud computing. Since I've covered the overall benefits of cloud computing before, I won't repeat them here. 1. Instead, existing infrastructure can be used as the foundation of a new cloud computing capability. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. System Error » F**king Kismet! June 21, 2008 3:18 pm As you may have well deduced, I’m a mac boy. I know of the command line, and I’m not scared of it, as such, but I was getting a bit miffed with instructions for getting Kismet running under Linux Mint/Ubuntu. Essentially, every guide told you how to install Kismet, told you to edit your .conf file and then quite simply “type kismet to start”… as you can imagine, with no immeadiate correct results, I got quite irritated quite quickly! I did get everything working, including GPS co-ordinates from gpsd and did a quick scan from the patio here in Spain, picking up about 8 networks without moving.

So, I thought about writing a how to guide for other linux noobs who have the same problems. Anyway, running Linux Mint 5 on my Asus EEE, here’s what I did. Install kismet and gpsd via Synaptic. Edit the kismet.conf file straight away. You need to change the suiduser= to your user name, so mine is suiduser=jake You most definately need to change the Source for the wifi hardware. Hacking Wireless with Ubuntu. Just-in-time pizza. | King Arthur Flour - Bakers’ Banter. “In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Well, Alfred, perhaps that was true 167 years ago, when you penned those words about England’s young lads. But it’s not true as I write these words today, in White River Junction, Vermont, about my fellow King Arthur Flour Web team members. In spring – and summer, winter, and fall, too – the Web team’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of… Pizza. Well, of course; we are, after all, a flour company.

Anything made with yeast – read, pizza crust – relies heavily on flour. But the Web team’s devotion to pizza goes way beyond avid. And truthfully, it’s no hardship. I’ve been making pizza myself for over 30 years. Not surprisingly, every pizza I’ve made has been thoroughly delightful. This week my fellow Webbies started asking for pizza again. Ah-HA! Just as your team – or family – is getting hungry and casting hopeful glances your way, add toppings, throw it in the oven, and bingo!

WHOA! WebSearch - Open source web search engine. Search Engines Are US searchenginesareus. Maine Saltwater Fishing. Desktop Product of the YEAR! | Motherboard and Motherboard Tech. How To Compile virt-df, virt-top, virt-mem &amp; virt-ctrl On De. Version 1.0 Author: Mohsin Mirza <named.conf [at] gmail [dot] com> This short guide explains how you can build virt-df, virt-top, virt-mem and virt-ctrl from the sources on a Debian Lenny system. These tools are currently available for Fedora in binary format. virt-top - "top"-like utility for showing stats of virtualized domains. virt-df - "df" for virtual guests.

Run this on the host/dom0 to find out how much disk space is used and available on all partitions of all the guests. virt-mem are tools for monitoring virtual guest load, kernel messages, process lists and so on without needing to log in to the guest itself. virt-ctrl is a graphical management app for virtual machines, modelled after Virtual Machine Manager. Dependencies Download ocaml-bitstring: wget Compile: tar zxvf ocaml-bitstring-2.0.0.tar.gz ; cd ocaml-bitstring-2.0.0 ; . Sources: Compile tar zxvf virt-df-2.1.5.tar.gz ; cd virt-df-2.1.5 ; . Where can I get the source code for Wikia Search - Wikianswers - Ubuntu - The Sysadmin Wiki. An Ubuntu live CD can save a regular sysadmin alot of trouble. It boots an entire Ubuntu Linux system right off the CD, without touching the harddrive. It can then be used for backups without requiring the system to even have an operating system.

Note: Alot of ubuntu specific information can be found on the ubuntu wiki and the ubuntu documentation. One-liner password generator Edit Generates 8 characters of small and large caps alphanum characters and includes punctuation characters: tr -dc "[:alnum:][:punct:]" < /dev/urandom | head -c 8; echo \n Join AD domain You can join your Ubuntu machine to an Active Directory domain as described in the AD article. Pipe text to and from the clipboard You can pipe the output of ls to the clipboard: ls | xclip -selection c And then you can output the clipboard contents: xclip -o -selection c Encrypted boot partition In ubuntu 8.04 you can encrypt the system partition by installing from the alternate install cd. Install on a usb drive Restore a grub MBR The CLI way. Search » crawls the web. Top 171 results of at least 43,100 retrieved for the query crawls the web ( details ) These sources have been queried: - Top results retrieved out of in seconds. - No results retrieved in seconds. - No results retrieved in seconds. - Top results retrieved out of in seconds. - Top results retrieved out of in seconds. - No results retrieved in seconds. - Top results retrieved out of in seconds. - No results retrieved in seconds. ads go here Byline: Clive Akass China runs out of addresses as web crawls to IPv6 China is running out of web addresses under the old IPv4 internet protocol and is calling for a mass migration to IPv6, which offers a virtually limitless number. the problem is not restricted to China because of the As Edwards et al. noted, "Given that the bandwidth for conducting crawls is ... or Web spider, Web robot, or—especially in the FOAF community — Web scutter. [ ...

Search engine that crawls the web for law enforcement and crime related sites. Links. Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes - FAWN Netbook Cluster | TheBlogGuideT. Jack&#039;s 12v Installs - 55 - Male - Brunswick, Maine - Affordable Business Insurance. How i got DNS and DHCP working - Hak5 Forums. Jandy Computer Services. Samu Varjonen - Index. Postdoctoral researcherOffice: A231, Exactum, KumpulaPhone: +358 9 191 51283 I received my Ph.D (2012) degree in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland.

At the present I am working as a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Helsinki focusing on Internet of Things and related matters. I have been active in the IETF standardization work of Host Identity Protocol. I have been an adjunct member of Future Internet Graduate School (FIGS) since 2010. Research In the current Internet the Internet Protocol address is burdened with two roles. Other interests include IoT, programming, security in general, overlays, torrent, HIP, DHTs, Ethernet monitoring, Y.1731, 802.1ag and certificates. Publications Information on the publications can be found from the university's TUHAT-portal.

Open Source I used to use my time with HIP for Linux (HIPL). I wrote an Open Source implementation of the ITU-T Y.1731 OAM protocol for Linux but at the moment I have no time to fix or maintain this. Episode150 - PaulDotCom Security Weekly. Tenable Network Security - This episode sponsored by Tenable network security. Tenable is a developer of enterprise vulnerability, compliance and log management software, but most notably the creators of Nessus, the worlds best vulnerability scanner. Tenable Security Center software extends the power of Nessus through reporting, remediation workflow, IDS event correlation and much more. Tenable also offers a Nessus Professional Feed to detect vulnerabilities in your network today! Tenable – Unified Security Monitoring! Core Security - This episode is also sponsored by Core Security Technologies, helping you penetrate your network. Celebrating PaulDotCom Security Weekly - Episode 150 - April 30, 2009 We're kicking off the 12 hour podcast with some announcements, administrivia, and other musings.

April 30th - PaulDotCom Security Weekly Special Edition - Episode 150 - A historic milestone to beer drinkers everywhere! Mp3 pt 1 mp3 pt 2 Here are a few pointers to the write-ups I mentioned: Boobs411. Painting Contractor North Yarmouth Maine,Painting Company Yarmou. Dealing With The Latest Google SERPS Shake Up. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! If you’ve been watching your Google rankings any at all lately, you may have noticed your website going up and down in the SERPS like a Yo-Yo. Don’t be alarmed. Most everyone’s sites were affected by the latest SERPS earthqake.

No one is real sure what the deal was/is with Google. I have no idea what caused it. I had a few keywords ranking on other sites that lost their rankings altogether. Whatever the cause, don’t panic when this happens. Either way, whether your rankings returned or if you discovered you previously high ranking keyword is not on Page 6 of Google’s SERPS, it brings me to a very important tip for all affiliate marketers.

Work on getting your low paying sites up to being profitable. In fact, I’d say increasing the number of sites you have or making the ones you already have more profitable, is a great project to work on if your site has nose dived in the rankings! Perf of 6 7200 rpm (Raid 5 &amp; 1+10) vs. 2 10k Raptors. I do enterprise test environment management along with metric analysis and deployment simulation. 8 VMs for = 1 Squid Proxy Server system running a form of embedded linux setup that gets migrated to a ssd (cuthulu1) 1 Redhat VM called ClarkKent, a reports server + Cacti monitor (ckent) 2 clustered MYSQL hosting servers (mysql1 & mysql2) 1 Statistics processing server (R) (cratchet, reference to Bob Cratchet from "A Christmas Carol".. a number cruncher) 1 Windows 2003 Server running active directory (bigdaddy) 1 WindowsXP (liljohn) 1 Ubuntu (mandella1) I test interactions so the load isn't very high but I use this framework for unit testing prior to migrating the VM snapshots to an integration hardware environment.

(For those familiar with system development cycles I migrated a revised snapshot into the integration environment hardware rather then a fresh deployment which is done for acceptance environment.) e.g. 2 THRUST boxes (high powered uber servers) 4 IDLE boxes (low powered) Linux Web Server Hack - How to Write Automated Load Balancing Sc.

Well, I have been manually managing the dedicated server for this site for last 2 years or so but I found a better way to automate the server so it doesn’t ever go down due to overload. One of the common problems in dedicated servers is the fact that load can go out of control and your web server along with it, causing you to hard-restart the server. A better way to deal with this over-load problem is to shut down the HTTPD server (web server) before your server load gets to something around 2 to 5. When the server load drops under 2, the script then can restart the server. By doing this, you save a lot of headaches especially if you get “digged” or simply need the site up as much as possible.

Believe it or not, there’s no script that does this available free online so I made one for all you webmasters: #! Save this code somewhere such as /root/ Then add the following to your cron job. */1 * * * * root sh /root/checkloadsh Load Average Script – This one is the main skeleton I used. Safe Passage SSH Tunnel Client.