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Learning Kanji

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Kanjiclinic. Kanji Cafe. Kanji Brain: Learn Kanji! Welcome to Kanji Practice. 漢字学習 ・ Studying Kanji|long island sound. 今度は僕の漢字能力検定を対象にしている勉強の仕方について書きたいと思います。 全くつまらないことでとても面白く読まれそうもないけど、誰かの役に立てるかもしれないし、僕にとってとても身近なことなのでちゃんとこの日記で筆記したいです。 こんな風に勉強して、500字位しか知らなかった、それに音訓の事等把握していなかった、初心者の頃から、4箇月という僅かな時間で日本語能力試験1級に合格できるようになりました。 This time I've decided to write about the methods I use in studying for the Kanji Kentei. Granted it's not a very interesting topic, but there's a chance it might prove useful to some readers, and anyway considering the amount of time I spend doing it in a day it's quite a familiar subject so I want to make sure to record it here. Using this method I was able to go from knowing a paltry 500 or so characters (although at the time I didn't understand the concept of On-Kun readings), to a level capable of passing the JLPT1 in a mere 4 months.

実際にどのように勉強するかと説明する為に、今日やっていた途中に時折写真を撮りました。 To describe exactly how I study, today I took a few snapshots in the process. 実と言えば、教材の如何によらず大体の構造は余り変わりません。 Actually no matter what materials you use the layout is pretty much the same. 先ずはその教材の使い方から始めたいと思います。 The Furiganizer – Learn how to read Japanese Kanji. QuickKanji - A simple, usable, community based kanji dictionary. How To Identify A Kanji That You Don’t Know.

You’re sitting there staring at this (probably ancient alien origin) kanji character, and you have no idea what it means. Like nada. Nothing. Zilch. No matter how deep your probe your brain nothing will come out. Anyways, I digress. This is by far the easiest. Upon pasting a kanji into the kanji section, you’ll get lots of information about it, including it’s meaning, reading, name-readings, number of strokes, and so much more. How easy. Here’s where it starts to get fun. Radical Search Back to Jisho, again. Depending on your level of Japanese, this may be fairly easy or somewhat difficult.

Wow, that’s still a lot of results! The next radical is up in the top right. Click on the kanji and you’ll find the droids you’re looking for. Physical Kanji Dictionary There are times, though, when you don’t have access to a computer or smartphone. To look up a kanji using a kanji dictionary, there are three strategies that you can use. 1. The left side of the kanji. 2. 3. Write It In 1. 2.