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Lightweight, Tasty, High Energy. There are basically two kinds of backpacking food.

Lightweight, Tasty, High Energy

You could get freeze-dried backpacking meals, available in many delicious varieties but at relatively higher prices. Or, you can get food at your local grocery store, also with a wide variety of tasty choices, for less cost. Planning menus for a weekend trip isn't difficult. Adventure Alan's Ultralight Backpacking: Backpacking Food. Back to Adventure Alan's Ultralight Backpacking Home Page: This contains a wealth of information on backpacking with gear lists, trip reports, backpacking techniques for various weather and environments (cold rainy weather, alipine hiking, desert hiking), etc.

Adventure Alan's Ultralight Backpacking: Backpacking Food

While focused on lightweight backpacking, much of the content applies to all styles of backpacking. Sample Food Lists New for 2008: and updated Sample Food List for a 5 day 4 night backpacking trip. Backpacking Recipes. Backpacking Food for the Soul.