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Writing Stuff

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Cure Writer's Block: Skribit. CoolStuff4Writers. The Write Prompts. The month of April is dedicated to National Poetry Reading in the United States and Canada. While it is meant to encourage reading of poetry there is no reason not to turn it into a poetry writing month. If you don't normally write poetry take the plunge and do some this month. Even bad poetry writing is a good exercise. For the month of April, every day read a poem of your choice then write a responding poem either in the same form or a form of your choosing. If you don't have any poetry books to draw from, a quick "poetry" search will offer a plethora of choices. If you want something that requires a little less searching on your part then sign up for a daily podcast of Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac. The email list sends a daily poem that you can either read in the email or follow a link to hear Garrison reading.

To get you started here is a favorite poem to get your started: Song of Enchantment by Walter De La Mare The Writing Challenge Options: Writers Digest's 101 Best Writing Sites. Write rhymes. Writing. Writing Prompts. The Blog of Scott Hansen » Overcoming Creative Block. I do not know what to write. I am sitting here staring at the screen, running sentences in my head, and turning my music on and off. Earlier I went foraging for food (in hopes of sparking some magical words), but ended up getting distracted by Arrested Development for 20 minutes. This happens just about every time I sit down to do anything. I’ll probably go play the guitar between this paragraph and the next. Of course this is a familiar situation. Often referred to as “writer’s block”, the concept of an inspiration rut is unfortunately very familiar to every creative in any field. Sometimes ideas just don’t show up to work.

Knowing this I decided to ask some of today’s most exciting artists and creators what they do when the ideas aren’t flowing. What follows are 25 strategies from these creatives to spark your inspiration; hopefully you’ll find something helpful in there. Nicolas Felton is a graphic designer based in New York City Tom Muller is a Belgian graphic designer Michael C. 1.