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Founded in 2008, emPower elearning solutions is an award-winning provider of technology solutions for regulatory compliance purposes. Our leading product is a proprietary learning management system for managing compliance activities, such as employee training, online policy and procedure management, and compliance tracking, for small teams and large enterprises. Visit Us:

Campus Safety Training Courses. Campus Security Authority Training Course, Online CSA Compliance Training. Moodle. Online Learning & Compliance Management. Online Title IX training for Students and Employees. Why you need to Conduct Clery Act Training Every Year? Do you conduct Clery Act training every year?

Why you need to Conduct Clery Act Training Every Year?

You should be. The training should be an integral part of your campus security efforts. Not just because the law demands it. More so because students are shy to approach police for reporting crimes. Although, the same students find it easier to approach a campus security Authority and report the crime. Firstly, students and new employees should know which crimes are reportable under the Clery Act. Unless students become aware of such information, they may not report crimes that they witness. The Clery Act training can act as a springboard for convincing students to come ahead and report crimes. Why is Campus Safety Important? How important is campus safety?

Why is Campus Safety Important?

Consider the 2020 Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, 28,900 crimes were recorded at the college level in 2017. The figure is a two percent increase over the crimes reported in 2016. Such dire figures force us to reconsider the value we put on campus safety. After all, college campuses revolve around student life. With this in mind, the government has put in place several laws and regulations to address campus safety. Campus safety laws and regulations To mention the three most important campus safety laws and regulations– The Title IX requires colleges to address discrimination in education programs and activities. Non-compliance with any of these laws can trigger an official investigation. Above all, without strong campus safety, it would be difficult to address the issues of campus crime, discrimination and sexual harassment.

In addition, we’ll explore the role of the college staff and faculty in campus safety. Why is HIPAA Compliance Important? Can the healthcare industry protect itself from cyberattacks without HIPAA compliance?

Why is HIPAA Compliance Important?

With over 2550 cyberattacks in the last decade, criminals have devastated the US healthcare industry. In fact, in 2019, about 764 care providers suffered attacks via ransomware. Criminals broke into healthcare networks, stalled essential services, and stole precious data. Such statistics raise many important questions – Were the affected businesses taking all necessary precautions? We add one more question to this list – Were the affected businesses following the standards set by HIPAA? As per the OCR Audit report released last week, most healthcare providers who were audited for HIPAA compliance in 2016-2017 were found lacking on the risk analysis and risk management plan required under the HIPAA security rule.

Unfortunately, a lot of healthcare businesses fail to meet the HIPAA standards. Online Security Awareness Training and Policies. Moodle. What actions or behaviors do you believe could be considered as sexual harassment?


Most of us have witnessed behaviors that could be considered sexual harassment in the workplace at one time or another – even if in a subtle form. Think of a situation that made you feel particularly uncomfortable? Sexual harassment and fun in the workplace, a very thin line separates the two. Sometimes… what’s offensive to one person isn’t so to another. That’s the reason you need to read this article – to learn to recognize potential sexual harassment situations. Any conduct of sexual nature – physical, verbal or visual – could be termed as sexual harassment if and when Submission to such conduct is made a term or condition for employment.Employment decisions – that affect the individual – are based upon submission to or rejection of such conduct.Such conduct creates a hostile work environment, interferes with an employee’s performance and affects the terms of an individual’s employment.

Quid pro quo. Moodle. Neglecting the three HIPAA rules can lead to large fines, loss of face, and for an employee worker – loss of job.


Businesses can lose up to $1.5 million dollars as fines. So, if you are covered under HIPAA, you must comply with the three HIPAA rules. The three HIPAA rules The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) lays out three rules for protecting patient health information. The Privacy Rule Thee Security RuleThe Breach Notification Rule These three rules set national standards for the purpose. Moodle. The new Title IX regulations go into effect on August 14.


Colleges have until then to update their Title IX policies and procedures. What are the new regulations? How would they affect your college? Which provisions demand your immediate attention? Read on to learn about the regulations which would have a major impact upon your Title IX program. Moodle. Moodle. Moodle. Queries about HIPAA training are on a rise again.


Here are the top four queries that we receive from healthcare employers these days. Is HIPAA training important? Who should take HIPAA training? What should the new workers be trained upon? Should I retrain workers amid COVID-19? Let’s look into these queries, one at a time. Who should take HIPAA training? Every person in your organization who has access to or may need to access patient information should receive HIPAA training. Simply stating, you should train every worker who may come across protected health information.

Moreover, if you use third-party services for processing or storing patient information, their employees too should receive suitable HIPAA training. Moodle. Moodle.