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Check Out This Gamified E-Learning Example. At a recent conference I ran into Ken Haas and John Kostrey who work for Sodexo.

Check Out This Gamified E-Learning Example

They were showcasing a nice gamified course they built as part of the training program for facility management. What I like about the course is that it’s more than the typical linear, click-and-read course. They used a lot of the core building blocks for interactive elearning. The course is part of a blended program where it’s combined with live facilitated training. Check out the course below. Gamified E-Learning Example Click here to view the course. Key Points of Gamified E-Learning Example. The Virtues of Daydreaming And 30 Other Surprising (And Controversial) Research Findings About How Students Learn - InformED. Have you checked your assumptions about student learning at the door?

The Virtues of Daydreaming And 30 Other Surprising (And Controversial) Research Findings About How Students Learn - InformED

People in general, hold onto beliefs that are shaped by early experiences, the media, and faulty influences. The following list is a compilation of research that may surprise you. Video games, e-books, playtime, and music are all a part of an educator’s repertoire. Read on, and be prepared to put your traditional beliefs aside as science points to innovative methods that indicate future success. 1. Until recently, studies done with regards to children and video games usually centered on the negative impacts and consequences of prolonged use. 4 part SAMR Model to Analyse Gamification - Gamified UK Gamification Consultancy. Reading Time: 3 minutes (ish) I love coming up with new models and frameworks, I find them really handy and hope that when I share them that others do as well.

4 part SAMR Model to Analyse Gamification - Gamified UK Gamification Consultancy

However, I am also a great believer in not reinventing the wheel! Recently I happened to see a comment from one of my favourite people on Twitter, Alice Keeler, that mentioned something called the SAMR model. Now, knowing that Alice is an awesome thought leader in the education space, I knew this was probably a model I wanted to look up – and I was right. What is SAMR? SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition. Generally they are described like this; As soon as I saw this, I knew it could be used to help me solve one of the problems I have been having with gamification – analysing its potential or how it is currently being used, in a way that was simple to understand.

Karl Kapp. What Game Based Learning Can Do for Student Achievement. If I had written this article two years ago, it would have been very different.

What Game Based Learning Can Do for Student Achievement

Back then, I would have made (or felt like I had to make) a compelling case for why we should even consider the idea of incorporating video games into classroom instruction. Back then, I would have expected most readers to incredulously click to the next article. But today, Game-Based Learning (GBL) and Gamification are gaining some real traction in the teaching community. At the recent OETC conference, the organizers dedicated an entire wing of the convention center to the subject, and educators weren’t shy about their interest. When I presented on the subject at Common Ground 14, I had the dreaded “last-presentation-of-the-day” spot, but I was very pleased at the turnout and interest. Immersive Learning Environments Resources. How to Add Annotations to YouTube Videos. WorldViz Virtual Reality Software – Academic Research.

Facilitation tips, games, and energizers « Workshops. Making your workshop interactive, participatory, and fun will be key in engaging your participants and creating an effective learning environment.

Facilitation tips, games, and energizers « Workshops

To help, many sessions already have participatory activities built in to the curriculum, and here we provide a number of ideas for energizers, name games, and interactive activities that you can adapt and incorporate to keep your participants energized and ready to learn. Have a great activity or tip to add? Email us at workshops[at] Contents Intro/name game activities Activities and games that help set a “safe space” for participants to learn and share. Circle name game: In this most basic “name game”, names are said around the circle along with an adjective or animal that starts with the same letter as their name, and if you’d like, a movement which everyone repeats. How to Prepare a Workshop: 9 Steps. User Reviewed Three Parts:Planning the WorkshopCreating Supporting MaterialsEncouraging Workshop ParticipationCommunity Q&A A workshop is an informative or instructional class focused on teaching specialized skills or exploring a particular subject.

How to Prepare a Workshop: 9 Steps

Workshop presenters are usually educators, subject matter experts, managers or other leaders who possess knowledge of a particular subject or mastery of specific skills. Depending on the topic, workshops may be only one or two hours in length or extend across weeks of time. Workshop leaders can strengthen the effectiveness of their presentations through careful planning, organization and presentation practice. Ad Steps Part 1 Planning the Workshop <img alt="Image titled Prepare a Workshop Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Define the objective of the workshop. Part 2 Creating Supporting Materials. Planning and Running a Workshop - from