Reasons Why Outdoor Play is So Necessary. Your children have been acting up and giving you a hard time.
So, you decide to take away their outdoor playtime. After all, doing that will help curb their outbursts and will help them learn discipline. What are Social-Emotional skills? How can you improve them? Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage one's emotions and the emotion of the people around you.
Social-emotional intelligence is a person's ability to connect with the people around her and get things done with their help by making them part of your vision. Emotional intelligence can be used for doing better things and making a difference in society and can be abused. You can develop social-emotional intelligence or the ability to understand the emotion of the people around you only when you understand your emotion very well. This is a necessary tool to be equipped with, yet it is so less popular. Especially if one can develop emotional intelligence since childhood, it can save the child big time from the emotional trauma.
5 Tips to Deal with a New Baby Sibling. The first few days after you bring your newborn baby home are priceless.
Your elder child dotes over every sound the baby makes. They want to help change the baby’s diapers and they want to hold the baby every chance they get. 5 Ways to Help Your Child Deal with Jealousy. When Elise got a perfect score on her science exam, a couple of children in the classroom started spreading rumors about how Elise had cheated to get such high marks.
When the teasing and taunting got to be too much, Elise cried and complained, “My dad has been helping me study every night for the past two weeks. I swear I didn’t cheat Miss.” After digging to the bottom of the situation, I realized that Elise hadn’t cheated and the other children had lied. As a teacher, it wasn’t the first time I was seeing kids engaging in damaging behaviour because of jealousy. Why do kids get jealous? What To Do When Time-Outs Don’t Work. “When my child screams, kicks, cries, starts hitting or throwing things, and has a full-blown out tantrum, then I know there is only one thing that will stop this behaviour.
I’ll give them a TIME-OUT!” Just like most parents, I also believed that giving time-outs to my children is a good disciplining strategy. After all, it’s been recommended by other parents and even pediatricians so it has to work, right? But, there are some reasons why time-outs aren’t as effective as you may think they are. If we think along the lines of the above scenario, how would sending your child to a corner in their room, isolating them from the rest of the family for a required period of time teach them to behave in a better manner?
5 Guidelines for Getting Your Child Their Own Cell Phone. So, you’ve finally caved in and decided to buy your child a cell phone.
As apprehensive and scary as it feels, there are some measures you can take as a parent to ensure that your child is using their cell phone responsibly. Responsible cell phone use for kids means costs are being managed, time limits are being followed, and phones are used for a set purpose. HOW DOES MINDFULNESS ONLINE COURSE IMPACT THE STUDENTS? The pandemic has made physical distancing an inevitable new truth in education and training as colleges keep on conveying courses online.
Various researches show mindfulness online courses and training can also be fruitful, bringing in benefits and effects to the learners. Mindfulness is the most common way of focusing attention and mindfulness on present second experience in an open, inquisitive, and tolerating attitude. It's generally educated face to face, in person.
However, the online transformation in every aspect during the pandemic, mindfulness online courses has also bloomed in its popularity. In late many years, a heap of exploration has shown mindfulness is extensively successful for calming symptoms of psychological experiencing like uneasiness, anxiety, and stress. Mindfulness online courses can accomplish more than reducing side effects. It further developed mental prosperity by assisting students with developing authenticity. Emotional Literacy & Mindfulness Academy. After a day filled with household chores, helping kids with their homework, taking them to basketball practice, examining scrapes and cuts on knees, acting as a referee for their quarrels, and helping them with school projects, you’ve pretty had it by the end of the evening.
You would just like to rest your feet on the couch, catch up on a TV show and call it a night. But, as a mother, you know very well that a task harder than all the tasks you did today, put together is awaiting you; PUTTING THE KIDS TO BED! Just when you are ready to put on your pajamas and call it a night is when your child has a sudden burst of energy and then they start giving you a hard time in going to bed.
Either they refuse to go to sleep, keep coming to your bed, asking for water or bedtime stories repeatedly, or worse, throw a bedtime tantrum. Parental Conflicts in Raising Children: How to Deal With It the Right Way. I’d like to think that my husband and I have a fairly good relationship.
We laugh together; we spend quality time together and even cook together. But, there is one thing that we simply cannot agree on. And, that’s the way we both discipline and handle our children. I hate to admit that I’m the yeller in the relationship. As most mothers, I feel that I have a lot on my plate. My husband on the other hand is much more calm and collected. This is where our disagreement comes in. If you and your partner also disagree with each other’s parenting style, just know that it is something very common and something many parents struggle with. Styles of parenting- There is not just one right way of parenting. How To Encourage A Healthy Body Image In Your Kids. The other day I caught my daughter looking very closely at herself in the mirror.
At first, I carried on with making dinner but, there was this look on her face that told me that she was worried about something. So I came closer and asked her. “What’s the matter, honey? Emotional Skills for Children - Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness Academy for Kids. The Emotional Literacy & Mindfulness Academy for Kids is a program aimed to build emotional intelligence for children, emotional skills for children and emotional regulation for kids.
This is for children aged 5 to 9 years old. The academy is a place where kids learn about their emotional grid system, how to manage it, they learn to meditate and apply practical tools of application in the real world using mindfulness techniques to arm them with the capacity to unplug in a plugged in world. The literacy program is built around two characters ‘Jazzy and Pinky’, two little chickens from a chicken school, they invite kids on an adventure with their energy ball to support them in the important development of emotional intelligence awareness through a simple and fun program. Emotional Regulation for Children. Know your Kid. How to Parent A Stubborn Child. Is your child incredibly stubborn and difficult to persuade? Do they know exactly what they want and do they argue with you until they get it?
Do you often feel that you’re not the one in control when dealing with them? Chances are that you are parenting a strong-willed child. These kids can be stubborn and difficult but, they’re also highly self-motivated, are natural-born leaders and they are relentless in getting what they want. Parenting strong-willed children can be quite challenging at times because there is always a power struggle between the two parties to gain and keep control.
Here are five effective parenting strategies that can help you: Strong-willed children learn through experience, not by being told what to do. What to Do When Your Child Melts Down In Public Places? We’ve all been there. We’re out having fun, everything is going just fine and then suddenly, out of nowhere, your child has a meltdown. Emotional Regulation for Kids - Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness Academy for Kids. Literacy Program for Children - Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness Academy for Kids. Emotional Regulation for Children - Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness Academy for Kids. Emotional Regulation: What Is It and Why It Is Important? Emotions have a significant impact on people's lives. They allow us to feel and understand the world around us in a much better way.
They impact us on numerous levels and are closely related to our thoughts, behaviors, and complete mental health. How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help Your Kids. The practice of meditation isn’t something new. Mindfulness Classes For Kids. Emotional Intelligence Classes For Kids - Best Price Guaranteed. How It Impacts Their Growth & Overall Wellbeing. Home. Mindfulness Course For Kids. Emotional Intelligence Classes for Children. How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help Your Kids. Understanding some benefits of mindfulness for teens and kids. Today, kids and teens have different reasons to feel stressed, and most of them also suffer from anxiety. From friendship drama to heavy class loads and violence at home or schools, the stress level among the kids is getting higher with time.
Meditation for Kids Online : A Beginner's Guide for Parents. Kids often worry about things without knowing how to cope with the stress or how to manage their feelings. Meditation and mindfulness exercises can all help kids relax, become more aware of their bodies & minds and deal with big emotions. “Due to the rising corona cases, schools in the area will remain closed until further notice. We urge all our viewers to continue following precautions to reduce the spread of this deadly virus,” the news anchor broke the dreaded news as the kids were getting their backpacks ready for the next day. “Mommy, does that mean we can’t go back to school yet?” My daughter asked sadly.
“Sorry, honey. This pandemic has been really hard on all of us, being especially detrimental for our little ones. Pediatricians are observing a growing range of issues amongst children in the last few months including behavioral and mental health disorders which can all be linked to the pandemic. Meditation for Kids Online : A Beginner's Guide for Parents. Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness Academy for Kids. Emotional Intelligence, Regulation and Mindfulness Classes for Kids. Mindfulness Classes for Children. Emotional Intelligence, Regulation and Mindfulness Classes for Kids. How Can The Kids Benefit and Learn From Mindfulness Training? How Can The Kids Benefit and Learn From Mindfulness Training?
With ideal researches, it is proved that mindfulness training is ideal for children to master the art of brain functioning. The neuroscientists have also confirmed that mindfulness training for children is quite essential to improve the functions of the brain. The mindful children are meant to be more aware of the things happening around them. They develop their observing skills and eventually suppress the anxiety levels within their brains. In this article, you will know about some more ways in which the kids get benefitted from the mindfulness training. Enhanced Physical Health Mindfulness classes for children have the potential to enhance the physical health of them in different ways. Develop Better Focus By introducing the habit of mindfulness classes for children, you can be ensured of their developed focus towards everything they do in life.
Confidence Boost. Sound Therapy For Kids & Parents. Engaging your kids at a young age into a meaningful practice is part of the important formation of their core behavioural patterns that will serve them later in life. Use Sound Therapy for Children and Develop their Emotional System. Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness Academy for Kids.