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Amy Herzog. Jen Lucas - Knitting Like Crazy. Hélène Magnússon - The Icelandic Knitter. Laura Nelkin. Ysolda Teague. The biggest problem for very small UK businesses is that, in order to use the new MOSS system, they would need to VAT register in the UK (you need a registration number to sign up). This is especially problematic for people whose income mostly comes from non-digital and / or non-cross-border-EU sales. For example a professional who puts an ebook up for sale on their own website to supplement or market their freelance work would have to VAT register and charge VAT on their UK business-to-customer work. They'd have obvious problems competing with someone in the same situation who hadn't published an ebook. Either the situation for businesses who are below the UK VAT threshold has recently changed or it was communicated so poorly that nobody understood it.

"Sorry, it's such an important point, I just need to make this potential point clear. The diagram referred to is the flowchart above. In response to further questioning about how this would work: Do manually emailed files count? Ravelry Etsy. Westknits — Stephen West. Stefanie Japel.