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MeteoSat > 10 < Atmos global 14day loop. Atmos archive. Geostat servers. MeteoSat 3day loop. Meteox. SearchTerm at duckduckGo. AviationWeather imagery. NavyCanada. 24h loop / 3day archive. Global 10day loop. Global Montage Overview The above global satellite image montage is a Mollweide "composite image projection" of world wide cloud tops, synoptic observation, & sea surface temperatures.

The cloud top image is a combo of GMS, GOES-8 and Meteosat imagery. A grid of the temperatures, obtained from synoptic observations every six hours, is made into an image and merged with an image of Sea Surface Temperatures and is generated daily from an NMC SST grid. This algorithm was made to compare ocean and land surface temperatures (In other words, SST over water or synoptic observation temperature over land) with the IR temperatures from the satellite imagery. The composite image will only use the cloud values if an IR temperature is more than 14 degrees Kelvin colder than what the surface temperature is.