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Grant Robinson : Montage-a-google launcher. UPDATE: Montage-a-google is now called Montage Maker.

Grant Robinson : Montage-a-google launcher

Take me to it About Montage-a-google Montage-a-google is a fun tool that lets you create large, colourful montages using Google's image search. Not only is it an interesting way of browsing the net, it can also be used to create desktop pictures or even posters. This app requires version 9 of the Flash player or higher to run, you can get the latest version here. Welcome! - TinEye. Archivio Storico Istituto Luce - home. Rai Teche. Free pictures - Creative Commons licence.

DIA - banca dati di immmagini messe a disposizione da Indire. Google Sky - Come e dove applicare la nuova funzione di Google Earth! Earth. Benvenuto in Flickr - Condivisione di foto. Ricerca immagini. Pagina principale. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).

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