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Design Thinking

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SOLO Taxonomy | John Biggs. Click to view a bigger version As learning progresses it becomes more complex. SOLO, which stands for the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome, is a means of classifying learning outcomes in terms of their complexity, enabling us to assess students’ work in terms of its quality not of how many bits of this and of that they have got right. At first we pick up only one or few aspects of the task (unistructural), then several aspects but they are unrelated (multistructural), then we learn how to integrate them into a whole (relational), and finally, we are able to generalised that whole to as yet untaught applications (extended abstract). The diagram lists verbs typical of each such level. SOLO can be used not only in assessment, but in designing the curriculum in terms of the learning outcomes intended, which is helpful in implementing constructive alignment. VISIBLE LEARNING | Information About What Works Best For Learning.

Is Design Thinking Missing From ADDIE? SumoMe Even though a crucial part of our jobs involve design, the prevailing instructional design models are based on systems thinking. Systems thinking promotes an analytical or engineering type of mindset. But we also need an approach to help us synthesize, innovate and create. In many design fields today, people who are required to create on demand use a design thinking model for this purpose. Design Thinking is Human-centered Design thinking acquires and synthesizes information in order to generate creative, human-centered solutions.

If design thinking has the potential to help us come up with better design solutions, then let’s make room for it as we design and promote learning experiences. Solutions for the 21st Century Those of us who feel hampered by current models may already practice some design thinking techniques. This is critical, because the way things are going, the solution to many problems may be much broader and more integrated than one training course can provide.