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The Top 22 Viral Marketing Tactics You Need in 2013. Whether you’re a seasoned social media guru, or someone who has spent some time watching a few cat videos on YouTube, no doubt you’ve wondered: “What made this video/article/blog/website get shared so much?”.

The Top 22 Viral Marketing Tactics You Need in 2013

I’ve compiled responses from some of the top ‘viral marketing’ experts from around the US to give you some insights into how exactly they come up with the concept for a viral marketing campaign, and how to get it to go viral. Social Media and Internet Analyst Brad Hines says: “Going viral is like a calculus function mixed with the element of randomness. You need a very specific combo of things, and then luck thrown in. I say calculus, because sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't.” Larry Weintraub, CEO of Fanscape, also has similar sentiments: “What works today or in 3 months may not work next year.

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Examples. Measurement. Unlocking the elusive potential of social networks - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing & Sales - Digital Marketing. There is much hype about social networks and their potential impact on marketing, so many companies are diligently establishing presences on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms.

Unlocking the elusive potential of social networks - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing & Sales - Digital Marketing

Yet the true value of social networks remains unclear, and while common wisdom suggests that they should be tremendous enablers and amplifiers of word of mouth, few consumer companies have unlocked this potential. At Liberty Interactive, which comprises many specialty e-commerce companies, we wrestle daily with the question of how to realize the promise of social networks. We do have pages on Facebook and active feeds on Twitter, but we never thought those steps alone would make a big difference to the performance of our companies. More recently, we have adopted a new mind-set: we think of word of mouth generated on social networks as a distinct form of media. ComScore - The Power of Like.