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ASTEROIDS. The asteroid belt consists of innumerable objects that orbit in a diffuse belt between Mars and Jupiter.


By the patterns of our solar system and the laws of harmonics reflected in the planetary orbits, we deduce that the asteroids are fragments of a planet which once occupied that orbit and for whatever reason broke apart and disintegrated. This planet is called Bellona. Many modern astrologers include the four largest asteroids in their astrological delineations. Pallas, Juno, and Vesta: The Three Jewels of Your Astrology Chart. We are all diamonds, and we have many facets to our personalities.

Pallas, Juno, and Vesta: The Three Jewels of Your Astrology Chart

We can show one aspect of ourselves to one person and another to someone else. One of our attributes may come out in a certain situation, and a different side may rise to the surface in another. Sometimes we feel energetic and ready to take on the world, and sometimes we need our solitude, and want to reflect on where we are in our life journey. Since we contain such a multitude of personality traits, it’s good to know that we can find representations of ourselves in the Cosmos, especially through the three gems of the asteroid belt, namely, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta.

First, it’s true that we are now in a great time astrologically, since so much of the myth and psychology that is involved in astrological analysis and assessment is being echoed in the wider world, through astronomy, the offshoot of ancient astrology. Pallas, Juno, and Vesta: The Three Jewels of Your Astrology Chart. Vesta. This article consists of three parts.


The first part is an introduction to the asteroid Vesta. The second part covers the influence of Vesta in the different astrological signs.