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Hand Embroidery Patterns. Color Theory 101: selecting yarns that go together. A lot of patterns going around at the moment feature stripes: two or three colors that go together perfectly.

Color Theory 101: selecting yarns that go together

You could follow the colors suggested in the pattern sample… but you want to try something a little different. But how in the world do you pick a colors that go together? Color theory. That’s how! 101 Green Handmade Gift Tutorials. These crafty green gift tutorials are going to make you recycle, reuse, upcycle or repurpose like never before…you’ll see.

101 Green Handmade Gift Tutorials

Whatever you want to call it, going green is the way to go! There’s a little something for everyone and I know you are going to find the perfect gift for your neighbor, brother, mother, sister…you get my drift…there are 101 tutorials here, people!!!! They’re not just ideas and pretty photos, but these links will lead you on the path to creating fabulous green gifts that are simple and require minimal supplies.

