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Eric Miltsch

Avid Dreamer. Smile, it's good for you. I made CarZar

2013 New Marketing Strategies

The Future Of Location-Based Marketing Isn't Foursquare. For once in my life, I hope I am wrong.

The Future Of Location-Based Marketing Isn't Foursquare

But I don’t think I am. Over the last three years, check-in and local search start-up Foursquare has become the face of location-based services. And while the app has gained a lot of traction among those that run in the social crowds, it has only grown to 25 million members. It sounds absurd for me to be using the words “only” and “25 million” in the same sentence, but, given the growth of image sharing/location-based app, Instagram — zero to 80 million in a little under two years — it feels like Foursquare may not gain the traction is needs to be a viable long-term player.

With all that said, I still love Foursquare and regularly recommend it to clients. If the future of location-based marketing isn’t Foursquare, what is it then? How about Google Mobile? Again, I am not jumping off the Foursquare bandwagon and neither should you.


New Networks. 2012 Mobile Greatness. Twitter Tools. Make An iPhone, Android App Without Knowing A Line Of Code. With JamPot's TheAppBuilder, you can build a genuine iPhone or Android app in mere minutes for free--according to the company's own website.

Make An iPhone, Android App Without Knowing A Line Of Code

The young company, savvy to the ever-shifting smartphone market, says it will soon support Windows Phone 7 too, meaning it'll address the market that RIM seems to be losing its grip on very fast according to new surveys on smartphone use. The idea behind TheAppBuilder, JamPot's VP of Sales Matthew David explained to Fast Company, is simple. By using its web interface, pretty much anyone, no matter their coding expertise, can create a smartphone app and have it running on their device within minutes.

They're not web apps, not a clever HTML5 app-like experience--they're genuine native apps, optimized for each platform's particular foibles. And within a couple of weeks, makers expect TheAppBuilder to support Windows Phone 7 with all the, as David phrased it, "fantastic" attributes of Metro. Apps sell by the tens of billions.


LTE may come to iPad, iPhone next year thanks to latest Qualcomm chips. Apple's move to standardize on Qualcomm baseband chips will be helpful in bringing LTE to the iPhone and iPad next year thanks to Qualcomm's next-generation mobile device modem (MDM) chips.

LTE may come to iPad, iPhone next year thanks to latest Qualcomm chips

The company announced on Wednesday that updated chips with integrated LTE and 3G support will offer greater power efficiency for mobile devices, a sticking point that has so far kept Apple from offering compatibility with high-speed LTE networks. Since Apple already relies on Qualcomm baseband chips in the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPad 2, it should now have a straightforward upgrade path to LTE for 2012. Qualcomm unveiled its 4G LTE compatible Gobi 4000 platform, which has API compatibility with its current 3G Gobi 3000 platform. Jack Dorsey's Twitter & Square Work Schedule. Jack Dorsey is doing pretty well at the entrepreneurial game, given that he’s Executive Chairman at Twitter, CEO of mobile card payments startup Square and, well, a founder of both companies.

But have you ever wondered what it would be like juggling two of the tech industry’s fastest growing companies at once? Here’s how he does it. As CNN reports today, Dorsey has a minute-by-minute plan for pulling everything together, and by his own admission, it requires a great deal of discipline to work a 16-hour day, as he noted during a talk yesterday at the Techonomy conference in Arizona. Rather than spreading himself thinly across all aspects of both businesses, he zones in on one key area of corporate development, pushing everything else out of sight and, well, out of mind. The locals Daily. Where Do Hybrid, Electric Cars Sell Best? We Find Out.

2012 Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid, production model While hybrid and electric cars are becoming more popular throughout the U.S., it isn’t a secret that buyers in some areas are more keen to buy a hybrid or electric car than others.

Where Do Hybrid, Electric Cars Sell Best? We Find Out

Now NPR has published an interactive map detailing just where electric and hybrid cars have proved popular this year, and which states have yet to embrace both technologies. Using sales data from, NPR’s Sara Carothers and Alyson Hurt produced as part of a mini series looking into the recent regulations mandating all automakers meet a fleet-wide Corporate Average Fuel Economy of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.

San Francisco leads Unsurprisingly, the San Francisco Bay tops electric and hybrid car sales lists for the year, with 8.4 percent of all vehicles being sold comprising of either hybrid or electric cars. First 2011 Nissan Leaf delivered to buyer, San Francisco, Dec 2010, photo by Eugene Lee.

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Google Plus icon packs. Google+ “Pages” Coming For Businesses. Where are the Google+ company “Pages” for brands, something similar to Facebook’s “Fan Pages?”

Google+ “Pages” Coming For Businesses

They’re coming apparently. Google’s head of Commerce and Local Jeff Huber confirmed what some people were hoping for: the imminent arrival of Google+ pages for entities. This was in a comment on Mike Blumenthal’s blog: And pre-emptively answering a question — yes, we will have (smb) business profile pages on Google+. I can’t announce a launch date yet, but we want to make them *great*, and we’re coding as fast as we can. Right now it’s pretty tough to make Google+ work for companies. Let me be clear – and I’m sorry if this wasn’t obvious – we are not currently supporting brands, organizations, and non-human entities in the Google+ field trial. Former Showcase West Cinema sold to Auction Direct. As expected, the former Showcase West Cinema has been sold, making way for a new car-selling venture.

Former Showcase West Cinema sold to Auction Direct

CB Richard Ellis reported today that the sale closed on the former cinema property, located in Robinson Township at 301 Park Manor Drive on Parkway West and Route 60. Rave Pittsburgh West, LLC, an affiliate of Texas-based Rave Cinemas, sold the former 12-screen theater complex on a 10-acre site to Robinson AD LLC. Agents for CB Richard Ellis represented both the buyer and the seller. Herky Pollock and Jason Cannon represented Rave, with Steve Esposito representing the buyer.

CB Richard Ellis confirmed the property is going to be redeveloped into an Auction Direct USA Used Car Superstore. 2010 Used Chevrolet Camaro. Google retiring Blogger and Picasa brands for public launch of Google+ Google is planning to rebrand its blogging platform Blogger and photo service Picasa with names that identify them as Google products, reports Mashable.

Google retiring Blogger and Picasa brands for public launch of Google+

Google intends to rename Picasa “Google Photos” and rename Blogger “Google Blogs,” according to unnamed sources in the report. While YouTube will retain its own branding, other Google products are also likely to be affected. The rebranding, which Mashable states will take place about six weeks from now, appears to be part of an effort by Google to consolidate its products to focus on its new social platform Google+. The rebranding will coincide with the public launch of the Google+ service in 6 weeks, according to the sources. Auction Direct QR Codes. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there!

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They’re called Quick Response Codes, or QR Codes. A shiny beacon of Internet intelligence mixed with random crap. Top 10 Fresh Google Chrome Extensions For Web Designers.

Social Gaming

What's the best curation service right now. Delicious. 15 Design Tips to Learn From Apple. There is no shortage of companies that follow popular design trends to appeal to a mass market.

15 Design Tips to Learn From Apple

Much more rare is the breed of company that actually sets design trends. Today we’ll examine the techniques of a company that occupies the top of the design food chain: Apple. Below you’ll find 15 practical ways to follow Apple’s example in creating beautiful interfaces. CarZar. There, I Said It: Screw Viral Videos - Advertising Age - DigitalNext. The Best Car Blog for Automotive News - by Auction Direct USA.

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Help. Delicious. Cannes Ad Fest 2010.