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eTwinning Project: Surprising English

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Surprising English QL certificate. Surprising English Pupils' certificate. European Quality Label. Schools awarded the European Quality Label 2018. Surprising English map. Partners of Surprising English. Trouble viewing this page?

Partners of Surprising English

Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong. Surprisingenglishlogo rome. Surprising English Logos. Trouble viewing this page?

Surprising English Logos

Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong. Choose your favorite logo! - brainstorming and voting. E-Twinning Project: Surprising English 2017 - Poster - Class 1C. Our Poster. Scuola Secondaria di I grado "M.

Our Poster

Gizzio" We worked hard to create the poster. We made some drawings in which we represented ourselves, something we love. Then we put drawings together and the poster was made. A piece of each student in it! Wonderful team work! Creating the drawings... Putting pieces together... Surprising english poster icparcodiveio rome. Students1C Rome poster. Students1C Rome. Surprising English Etwinning Project Posters. Trouble viewing this page?

Surprising English Etwinning Project Posters

Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong. E-Twinning Project: Surprising English 2017 - Poster - Class 1C. Let's choose our poster for the Surprising English etwinning project - brainstorming and voting. Our presentation. Creating our presentation on padlet. Introducing ourselves - Class 1C Scuola Secondaria di I grado "M. Gizzio" Roma. First Surprising Box. We devided into groups and everyone chose what he/she wanted to create: Some wrote Christmas postcards...

First Surprising Box

Some created the game: English word puzzle... Some drew Pixel Art ... and small Christmas presents! For our friends in Kyiv, Ukraine and Here we are... Christmas cards. Christmas cards1. The game. Our box. Our presents. First Surprising Box Matching. Christmas Surprising Box. Surprising Box - Class 1C - December 2017. Partners receiving our Surprising box. Surprising English eTwinning Project Safer Internet Day Survey Questions - MindMeister Mappa Mentale. Safer Internet Day - Home. Safer Internet Day- Surprising English eTwinning Project's Survey for students. The Safer Internet Day - Surprising English eTwinning Project's Survey for Teachers.

Memory card games. Daily activities. Surprising English Daily Routine Song Videos. Trouble viewing this page?

Surprising English Daily Routine Song Videos

Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong. Surprising English Etwinning Project Learning Apps links about time and numbers. Trouble viewing this page?

Surprising English Etwinning Project Learning Apps links about time and numbers

Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong. TwinSpace. Surprising Box2 - etwinningProject2018 - 1C SSI° "M.Gizzio" Surprising box 2 - April/May 2018. Second Surprising Box Matching. Surprising Box 2. WE have received our second Surprising Box with games, gadgets and sweets!

Surprising Box 2

We finished our last day of school by opening it Thank you Turkish School! Goodbye School! Welcome Summer 2018 Author: Emiliana Rufo. Our activity for the e-book. Scuola Secondaria di I grado "Massimo Gizzio"- Rome, Italy - class 1C - school year 2017/2018 Here is a Jigsaw puzzle of our city: ROME Let's play!

Our activity for the e-book

Surprising English. Puzzle - Our wonderful city: Rome - ETwinning Project. Surprising English eTwinning Project - Class 1C - Padlet. Trouble viewing this page?

Surprising English eTwinning Project - Class 1C - Padlet

Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong. E book Scuola Secondaria M Gizzio. Surprising English eTwinning Project - Website. Surprising Engish etwinning project - Calendar 2018-2019 school year. Magazine SURPRISING ENGLISH. Dissemination of the Project - TwinSpace page. School website: Progetto eTwinning "Surprising English" Dettagli Pubblicato: 01 Giugno 2018 Visite: 45 Gli alunni della classe 1C hanno partecipato al Progetto E-Twinning "Surprising English" iniziato a Ottobre 2017 e conclusosi a Giugno 2018. Hanno lavorato collaborativamente in classe per create attività da condividere sulla Piattaforma Twinspace del progetto. Gli alunni hanno avuto la possibilità di creare loghi, poster, presentazioni multimediali, video, ma l'attività che più li ha coinvolti è stata lo scambio di due "Surprising Boxes" con all'interno manufatti e giochi creati in classe da loro e dagli alunni delle scuole partner.

(è possibile visitare le attività complete del progetto attraverso l'account: visitor.gizzio password: surprising). Survey for Students - Surprising English - Individual Evaluation. Evaluation of the Project - Twinspace page. Would you please evaluate the project with a few sentences? Trouble viewing this page? Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong. Surprising English eTwinning Project Evaluation. Surprising English pdfs for ebook. Trouble viewing this page? Go to our diagnostics page to see what's wrong.