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iPad Apps for Autistic Students. Apps on portable devices such as the Apple iPad can help non-verbal children to communicate basic needs.

iPad Apps for Autistic Students

Intuitive apps that employ colorful images and sounds can also hold a child's attention long enough to learn and offer effective tools to build vocabulary and reinforce word knowledge. The following iPad apps are designed to augment self-expression among children with autism spectrum disorders and other cognitive impairments. Becoming more comfortable with language may also encourage more safe social interaction among family members and classmates. 1. Autism Xpress Apple iTunes Store Autism Xpress is a free app that encourages people with autism to recognize and express emotions. 2. Grace is a picture exchange system designed to encourage independent social interaction among people with autism. 3. iConverse iConverse is designed for children with autistic and other communicative disabilities who have not yet mastered basic speech.

iPad Apps for Autistic Students. Response to Intervention. Untitled Document. Social Skills Lesson Plans for Middle School. Sites for Autistic Support Teachers! A new site from Mayer-Johnson! This site provides an endless amount of Boardmaker files! You must have Boardmaker to open the files.

Southern California Autism Training Collaborative Website Lots of examples of structured work jobs. Visual Aids for Learning Some free, printable, visuals to help people learn everyday activities. Spectronics Symbol Activity Exchange Assistive Technology Team Lots of free, printable Boardmaker activities. OMAC Consulting A fantastic site by Cindy Golden. Crafty Chic Some free, printable file folder games. ZAC Browser - Zone for Autistic Children ZAC is the first web browser developed specifically for children with autism, and autism spectrum disorders such as Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), and PDD-NOS. Special thanks to my father, Thomas Glew for sending in this site. Create A Graph Make many different types of graphs. Positively Autism Free resources, lesson plans, teaching materials, and more!

Slater Software Inc. Autism Asperger's Digest. Information and Resources for Parents Of Children with Aspergers Syndrome. » Social Skills Foundations – Improve Your Social Skills. When I was in college, I signed up for an internship with Students International, an organization that works among the poor in the Dominican Republic.

» Social Skills Foundations – Improve Your Social Skills

I was assigned to the construction outreach where Rudy, the Dominican construction leader, taught me a great deal about both construction and life. One day, after we’d spent hours painstakingly laying a foundation for a house and making sure everything was perfect, he turned to me and said, “We always spend more time on the foundation, because the foundation is everything. If the foundation is solid, the house will be strong. If the foundation is crooked, the house will be flawed. (He talked like that ALL the TIME. I think Rudy was on to something.

If you take the time to lay your foundation right, then you will be successful in whatever you’re building, whether a house, a life, or a set of social skills. That’s what this “Foundations” section is about. The foundation must come first. Foundations contains four lessons. How to Use the Guide: