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7-Level Emotional Scale. In the previous two posts we’ve mentioned and included our 7-Level Emotional Scale.

7-Level Emotional Scale

In this post, we’re going to focus specifically on this emotional scale for clarification and definition. Overview Let’s start with a high-level overview of our 7-Level Emotional Scale. Within our emotional scale there are seven different levels containing a total of fifty-seven emotions. Learn How To Move UP The (Vibrational) Emotional Scale. The Law of Attraction isn’t just about techniques and tricks; it’s a lifestyle in itself, and one that teaches how our emotional state (and vibrational scale) can impact on the way our life develops.

Learn How To Move UP The (Vibrational) Emotional Scale

Learning to move up the emotional scale is all about having a more harmonious and joyful daily experience; one that helps you to manifest more effectively by bringing you fully in tune with your own intentions. What Are You Feeling And Thinking? Have a look at the Emotional Guidance Scale below and try to find where you are emotionally on the scale. It is incredibly important to figure out what you are thinking and feeling. This is the first step to moving up the emotional scale. TIP: Feelings can be simple and complex. Untitled. Untitled. Feelings Wheel. Sensation Words. Sensation vocabulary2. Sensation vocabulary. Qualities of breath. Universal Human Needs.Values. More Sensations. More Feelings. Lexicon of Body Sensations. Identifying Feelings and Sensations. FeelingsInventory. FeelingsEmotionsNeeds. Feelings Chart.

Feelings:Emotions. Emotion.Organ.Chart. Emotion wheel. Body Sensations 2. Body Sensations. Awareness of Body Sensations. How-to-release-emotions. How-to-release-emotions. Susan David: The gift and power of emotional courage. PROPRIOCEPTION « Sixth Sense. By Maike Storks The term proprioception is composed of the Latin proprius (one’s own) and perception and thus literally designates one’s own perception.


It is the sense of position and posture, movement and velocity of the body and body parts. This involves the location of our body or body parts in space, the relation of our body parts to one another, and the extent to, and pace at, which they change their position. Some accounts also attribute to proprioception a sense of effort through which weight can be evaluated and a sense of touch through which the size and shape of objects as well as the geometry of external space can be detected (Berthoz 2000:27-31, Hamilton 2005:273, McCloskey and Gandevia 1993:3, Paterson 2009:769-770, Smetacek and Mechsner 2004:21, Stock Kranowitz 2005:136). While there are specialized organs for exteroceptive senses such as sight and hearing, there is no exact correlation between receptors and organs for proprioception.

History. Feelings Inventory. The following are words we use when we want to express a combination of emotional states and physical sensations.

Feelings Inventory

This list is neither exhaustive nor definitive. It is meant as a starting place to support anyone who wishes to engage in a process of deepening self-discovery and to facilitate greater understanding and connection between people. Relax... More Pleasure is the Goal. Experiencing orgasm while relaxed is not typically the way people achieve orgasm.

Relax... More Pleasure is the Goal

The vagina in its natural, relaxed state is an elongated, collapsed tube. In this state, the potential exists for pleasurable sensation to flow freely throughout the pelvic region and beyond. Experiencing orgasm while relaxed is not typically the way people achieve orgasm. Pelvic muscles are constantly held tight in our day to day life to control our bodily functions.

This tightening transfers over to our sex lives. The model of orgasm commonly used in our culture is all oriented towards a release of tension that lasts from 6 to 12 contractions. The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles that contract rhythmically during orgasm in both males and females. Kegel exercises, which work the pelvic floor muscles, are widely publicized as a way to improve orgasm for people and make intercourse feel better. Kegel exercises were originally developed by Dr. Sensuality and the Human Nervous System. Can anyone have full-body orgasm?

Sensuality and the Human Nervous System

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is composed of an intricate network of nerves that are all connected, making the entire epidermis a sensing organ. Our hands, feet and genitals have more pressure-sensitive nerve endings than any other part of the human body. Each of our hands has 2,500 nerve receptors per square centimeter. Wikipedia says “The fingertips contain some of the densest areas of nerve endings on the body, are the richest source of tactile feedback, and have the greatest positioning capability of the body; thus the sense of touch is intimately associated with hands.” Feelings vs. Sensations. I know I’m not the only one who finds it curious that certain emotions have gotten a bad rap in our world, and can only be expressed under “socially acceptable” conditions.

Feelings vs. Sensations

We can wax poetic about feelings of joy and elation pretty freely, but we’re not quite so comfortable on the whole with feelings like sadness and grief. Instead we have carefully crafted categories of acceptable anguish that we can move within when the conditions are right. Language has evolved, arbitrarily one might say, to give expression to our sensory experiences. I see _____ and so I need to have a common way of communicating that if I see a bird in the sky you will know exactly what I am pointing to.

Language gives us a reference point, a way of attempting to understand the experience of another. “Drink this $7 latte and you’ll feel more invigorated!” “Try this $100 face cream and you’ll feel 10 years younger! " “Join this exclusive online community and you’ll never feel lonely again!”