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Foods to Improve Moods - Healthy Living Tips at WomansDay. While that tub of ice cream in the back of the freezer may be what you crave when you’re feeling blue, there is a long list of other (healthier!)

Foods to Improve Moods - Healthy Living Tips at WomansDay

Foods that can cure a grouchy morning or a stressed-out afternoon. We talked to the experts to get the scoop on what to eat to make you feel better no matter what your mood. Stressed: Eat Chocolate The scenario: It’s Friday at 6:30 p.m. You’re hungry, tired and late for your dinner date. Sluggish: Eat a Spinach Salad Can’t concentrate? Cranky: Eat an Apple with Peanut Butter Did you snap at your kids…and the telemarketer on the phone? Anxious: Eat a Salmon Burger Worrying about your finances, your marriage, your kids? Angry: Sip Green Tea Maybe your neighbor’s dog barked all night long and kept you up or your coworker took credit for a project you worked on over the weekend.

Sad: Eat Whole-Grain Cereal with Lowfat Milk Need a happiness boost? PMS: Eat an Egg-Salad Sandwich All photos by Shutterstock. Switched On: Motorola's manic modularity. Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology.

Switched On: Motorola's manic modularity

When newly independent Motorola Mobility introduced its Atrix handset on AT&T at CES, the smartphone was generally well-received. But what drew more attention was the range of accessories that the company has continued to support through other high-end launches such as those of the Photon on Sprint and the Droid Bionic on Verizon. These products now include a car dock for navigation, HDMI dock for entertainment, and lapdock for enhanced productivity. Motorola wasn't the first company to introduce an HDMI dock, and Asus' Padfone embeds a handset more directly into another device than do Motorola's products.

Peacock <3 Tattoo Pictures at Translating American English to British English. Life Hacks. Relative Effectiveness of Compound Obscenities. Permalink: Weekend challenge: submit your favorite compound curse word!

Relative Effectiveness of Compound Obscenities

Points will be awarded for creativity, effectiveness, and word structure. Winners will be entered into a drawing which will take place on the one millionth unique visitor hit. Cool Story. Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Weird Awesome Stuffs - Want someone to stop texting you? (Want someone to stop texting you?) Jesus's return. Goose_04-1600x1200. Guy gets hit by double lightning strike. 51wxhdjpg. The Avett Brothers - Jenny And The Summer Day‬‏ Little Girls' Creepily Impressive "Single Ladies" Perfomance. Burrito-baby. Steak made from human poop passes taste test. If you prefer your steak to be cooked rare, you may want to reconsider that choice after hearing about the latest advancement in food technology to come out of Japan: an edible steak made from human feces, reports Discovery News.

Steak made from human poop passes taste test

(Update: Discovery News is now unsure if the story is real and wondering if they were duped. It reminds us of this "Yes Men" poop burger hoax.) Take a moment to let that gag reflex subside. Now consider this: it's already been taste-tested, approved, and could eventually become a practical solution to sewage treatment. Someday "bowel burgers" may even provide an easy source of protein for the hungry. The steaks were first envisioned by Japanese researcher Mitsuyuki Ikeda after he was approached by Tokyo Sewage to come up with a solution for the city's overabundance of sewage mud. After isolating those proteins in the lab, Ikeda's team then combined them with a reaction enhancer and put them in an exploder. "I wouldn't touch it," he said.

Atmospheric. H2Oh...Shit. Anyone can sing with Auto-tune [VID] HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS – PART 2: PARSELTONGUE TRANSLATOR. Too Much Girl - JD's Man Stories. Next | Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 My friend Derek has this theory that the prettiest girls are also the craziest.

Too Much Girl - JD's Man Stories

His theory goes, that the prettiest girls get treated the most fucked up by society, girls, guys, and so, in turn, they become fucked up. Gorgeous girls are always caught in a double standard, where people both look up to them because of their looks but also down on them. Girls want to look like them, yet they hate them because they represent an impossibly difficult standard of beauty. If they ever accomplish anything, people dismiss it as achieved only due to their looks, and if they do use their looks to get anything, people simply scoff that they were right all along. And guys do their fair share in fucking up the prettiest girls. Guys are always trying to get something from beautiful girls, and so these girls learn that niceness is very rarely niceness for niceness’ sake. In a nutshell, the prettiest girls are also the craziest. “And,” Derek continues.