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Design and cleverness

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Absolutely Genius Ideas :: I' Data-original="images/genius/29.jpg" class="lazy image"/> data-original="images/genius/75.jpg" class="lazy image"/> Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius. Looking for more about [term]? Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 2 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 3 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 4 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 5 Top. Super Summer Project: Two Young Designers, One Idea A Day. All images credit 01Mathery Project After seeing this lovely bike basket made from pine cones on Recyclart, , I learned of O1Mathery, a project subtitled "Two young designers-One idea a day," where from the end of one school year to the start of the second, they really did come up with a clever design every day.

Some are clever and some are silly, like this oven. Erika Zorzi and Matteo Sangalli write: My computer reaches high temperature when it' s working! Why do not take advantage of it?? I think there would be a real market for this TV Dinner tray, that has a built-in apron so that you never drop food on your lap again. There are so many interesting, innovative and creative reuse and repurposing ideas, like this key storage system made from RCA jacks. A Square Coke is a Greener Coke.

Adjustable Heat Hot Sauce Pleases All Tastes. Whether you’re a full-on chili head or just want a touch of added flavor, Dave’s Gourmet Adjustable Heat Hot Sauce accommodates all of your hot sauce needs. The specially designed twist top allows you to choose your level of heat. A nozzle mixes your chosen brew, rationing out the correct amount of each sauce to create your perfect spiced condiment. This is perfect for someone like me who’s rather picky about their heat.

Sometimes I like to feel my sinuses boil. Other times I just prefer a mild sizzle. Link [via] Best Hidden and Secret Safes to Hide Valuables. The best concealed weapon ever made! The Flashlight gun! 14 Concept Appliances That Need To Be Made | My Bad Pad. Concept appliances give us a peek into the future. They are often aesthetically pleasing and offer interesting and unique features; however, it is a rare concept appliance that makes it off of the drawing board and into the showroom.

Unrealistic designs, high production costs and lack of consumer demand are often the reason for many ideas to be scrapped. Yet, here are 14 interesting concept appliances that have made it to the model stage and look so good that we hope they go into development soon. The iBasket is a hamper/washer/dryer combo.

The transparent iBasket stores your dirty clothes. Why do consumers need the iBasket? The iBasket saves time and energy as you’ll never have to transfer your clothes from the hamper to the washer to the dryer again. Features: Transparent body Built-in air refresh system that removes the smell of dirty clothes Wi-Fi enabled to help you monitor it from your PC or laptop The one drawback to the iBasket is that it is very small. A short video about AgBot.

Water Shade by Yitu Wang. This project is completely apolitical. It IS literally a gate of water. This project goes by the name of “Water Shade” and keeps a shield of H2O around the fruit it is sworn to protect. It’s both a dish and a cover, working with water to keep freshness in and everything larger than Oxygen OUT! Designer Yitu Wang doesn’t want to keep you from your delicious apples though, so there’s a built in detector that sees your hand in approach, and thus is does desist. Moisture is locked in. Freshness is locked in. Designer: Yitu Wang. An Idea Can Change Your Life. Imageszipper.jpg (JPEG Image, 350 × 629 pixels) Observando:thank you god for showing me this picture xdsuperior problem-solving skills typical of macintosh and its users. picture on VisualizeUs. Ritter Instruments. Интересные дизайнерские решения (32 фото) / elLf houSE / Версия для печати.