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Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps - API de Google Maps. Ben Appleton, Google Geo TeamWith contributions from Lary Stucker, Maps API DeveloperApril 2007 This tutorial is intended for developers who are familiar with PHP/MySQL, and want to learn how to use Google Maps with a MySQL database.

Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps - API de Google Maps

After completing this tutorial, you will have a Google Map based off a database of places. The map will differentiate between two types of places—restaurants and bars—by giving their markers distinguishing icons. An info window with name and address information will display above a marker when clicked. The tutorial is broken up into the following steps: Creating the Table When you create the MySQL table, you want to pay particular attention to the lat and lng attributes.

Note: This tutorial uses location data that already have latitude and longitude information needed to plot corresponding markers. If you prefer interacting with your database through the phpMyAdmin interface, here's a screenshot of the table creation. Populating the Table Outputting XML with PHP. Responsive Instagram Widget for Your website or blog. Instafeed.js - a simple Instagram javascript plugin. What is it?

Instafeed.js - a simple Instagram javascript plugin

Instafeed.js is a dead-simple way to add Instagram photos to your website. No jQuery required, just plain 'ol javascript. (see ↑ there?) Downloadcheck out the code. Preparación para certificación en video - Google P... Este examen abarca los conceptos básicos y avanzados de YouTube y la Red de Display de Google, lo que incluye temas como los formatos de anuncio, la segmentación y la generación de informes. 13:00 Mexico - Colombia / 15:00 Argentina / 20:00 España Martes 2 de Junio Diapositivas Material de estudio Fecha límite para obtener la certificación: martes 23 de junio del 2015.

Preparación para certificación en video - Google P...

Facebook Help Center. BBC Mundo - Noticias - ¿Qué hacer si alguien lo difama en internet? Expertos le recomiendan a una víctima de difamación que guarde la evidencia que apoye su caso.

BBC Mundo - Noticias - ¿Qué hacer si alguien lo difama en internet?

Un comentario difamatorio que se publique en internet puede perjudicar seriamente a una persona o hacer colapsar un negocio. Para millones de personas, la web es una selva en la que reina la anarquía. Eso las hace sentir indefensas e impotentes. Pero, según los expertos, no es así. Sortea ganadores de concursos, competencias, rifas, regalos. Cómo funciona: Cuando Usted necesita sortear a los ganadores de su competencia o sorteo, solo falta importar a los participantes y el sistema elegirá de forma aleatoria el numero de ganadores requeridos y les asigna los premios.

sortea ganadores de concursos, competencias, rifas, regalos.

Es sencillo, no necesita instalar ningún programa a su computadora. Screencasting. Multi-regional and multilingual sites - Webmaster Tools Help. If your site offers different content to users in different languages, countries, or regions, you can optimize Google Search results for your site.

Multi-regional and multilingual sites - Webmaster Tools Help

Background: A multilingual website is any website that offers content in more than one language. For example, a Canadian business with English and French versions of its site. Google Search tries to find pages that match the language of the searcher. A multi-regional website is one that explicitly targets users in different countries. Some sites are both multi-regional and multilingual: for example, a site might have different versions for the USA and for Canada, and both French and English versions of the Canadian content. Managing multilingual versions of your site If you have identical content in multiple languages on your site, here are some tips for helping users (and Google Search) find the right page:

Redirección 301: La Guía Definitiva. Una redirección 301 es un recurso imprescindible para mover, eliminar y consolidar páginas.

Redirección 301: La Guía Definitiva

Es por ello que a menudo se menciona como solución a problemas de SEO. Te dicen: “haz un redireccionamiento 301 y arreglado”, pero… ¿Cómo lo haces si no tienes ni idea?


Background Pattern Designs And Resources For Websites. Patterns are a useful resource for website design.

Background Pattern Designs And Resources For Websites

Filling the background with a full-blown image is no longer a useful solution today as the variety of devices and screen resolutions in the market make it difficult to adapt to them all, although it is true that the latest plugins and scripts offer solutions such as automatic image resizing. Patterns are similar to those images that are indefinitely repeated either horizontally or vertically. That makes a lot more sense today where usability is concerned, especially in responsive design. Today we've compiled a number of websites that collect many free patterns available for use on the design of your sites and web applications. CSS3 Patterns Gallery. Browser support The patterns themselves should work on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome, Safari 5.1, Opera 11.10+ and IE10+.

CSS3 Patterns Gallery

However, implementation limitations might cause some of them to not be displayed correctly even on those browsers (for example at the time of writing, Gecko is quite buggy with radial gradients). Also, this gallery won’t work in Firefox 3.6 and IE10, even though they support gradients, due to a JavaScript limitation. Submission guidelines If you have a new pattern to submit, please send a pull request.


Conceptos y how to. CMS. Como hacer tutoriales. Partners. Responsive. JS and Jquery. Efectos css. Herramientas tutoriales. Php. Chats. Ecommerce. Mobile. Coding. CMS. Open Sorce. Apps. Social Networks. Site Buliding. Seguridad 2.0. SEO. Tool box.