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ISKCON SARAJEVO - Međunarodno društvo za Svjesnost Krišne. ISKCON Sarajevo. Address: Pofalicka 11, Sarajevo, Bosina & Herzegovina – 71000 Phone: +387 33 973088 Website: Email: Facebook: ISKCON Sarajevo Videos: Watch Videos Contact person: Dhira-prasanta das, Mobile: +387 61150115.

ISKCON Sarajevo

Description: The temple was established on 8 October 2009. The temple has 4 brahmacaries who mostly do book distribution and it also serves for spiritual gatherings of the congregational members and as a preaching center for newcomers. Every day we have Mangal arati at 5:00, Guru Puja and Bhagavatam Class at 7:15 and evening Bhagavad gita programs at 6:30pm.

We have regular Sunday Feasts at 5pm, as well as annual festival ceremonies. Sarajevo congregation numbers around 100 devotes. Vrinda Devi. Hinduism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hinduism in Bosnia and Herzegovina is represented by various groups and centers such as Yoga in Daily Life and Sathya Sai Center Sarajevo.

Hinduism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

ISKCON in Bosnia and Herzegovina[edit] ISKCON has a growing presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is estimated to be around 300 devotees from all age groups. ISKCON has been registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a religious community. ISKCON's Food for life was famous in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ISKCON Centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina[edit] ISKCON Sarajevo has a temple where ISKCON congregation in Sarajevo is holding traditional ISKCON weekly programs and festivals.

Yoga in Daily Life in Bosnia and Herzegovina[edit] Yoga in Daily Life has a Centre in Sarajevo. Address - Jadranko Pranjic, Patriotske lige 28, 71000 Sarajevo. International Society for Krishna Consciousness. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), known colloquially as the Hare Krishna movement or Hare Krishnas, is a Hindu Gaudiya Vaishnava religious organisation.[1] It was founded in 1966 in New York City by A.

International Society for Krishna Consciousness

C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.[2] Its core beliefs are based on select traditional Indian scriptures, particularly the Bhagavad-gītā and the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.[3] The distinctive appearance of the movement and its culture come from the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, which has had adherents in India since the late 15th century and Western converts since the early 1900s in America,[4] and in England in the 1930s.[5] Beliefs and history[edit] For further information see: Achintya Bheda Abheda and Gaudiya Vaishnavism Hare Krishna mantra[edit] Trois détenus de Guantanamo transférés en Bosnie après une décision de la justice fédérale américaine. Trois anciens détenus de Guantanamo sont arrivés mardi en Bosnie, où ils devraient être rendus à leur famille.

Trois détenus de Guantanamo transférés en Bosnie après une décision de la justice fédérale américaine

Il s’agit du premier transfert de prisonniers de la base américaine ordonné par un juge fédéral. D’origine algérienne, ces anciens volontaires islamistes avaient obtenu la citoyenneté bosnienne après la guerre. Le camp de Guantanamo (Avec AP) Arrivés à Sarajevo par avion, les trois hommes ont été remis à la police en Bosnie et emmenés en voitures blindées au siège de la police. Liste de détenus de Guantánamo. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Liste de détenus de Guantánamo

Détenus du Camp X-Ray, à Guantanamo en janvier 2002. Cette liste de détenus du camp de Guantánamo n'est pas exhaustive. Hare Krishna, Sarajevo, Jul 2011. Europe-National-Members. Željko Bajić: Glasač sa invaliditetom osjeća se tjeskobno. Pedesettrogodišnji novinar Željko Bajić odavno je prevazišao sredinu u kojoj živi.

Željko Bajić: Glasač sa invaliditetom osjeća se tjeskobno

Kao slijepa osoba uvijek je nastojao da postigne životne standarde koji će mu omogućiti pravo na rad, društveni i porodični život - ništa više od onoga što se podrazumijeva za sve građane. Bosna i Hercegovina generalno, pa tako i lokalne sredine, ne mogu se pohvaliti visokim stepenom pristupačnosti institucija i javnog života za osobe sa invaliditetom. Štaviše - Željko, kao i desetine hiljada drugih, svakodnevno se susreću sa preprekama - kako onim fizičkim i arhitektonskim, tako i mentalnim preprekama u glavama većine.

Promjene su moguće, do njih se realno može doći uz samo malo materijalnih sredstava i mnogo, mnogo više dobre volje koju treba da ispolje oni na vlasti.. Kao novinar Željko ima 25 godina iskustva, a do sada je radio za redakcije Voice of America iz Moskve i Skoplja, bio je saradnik za Radio-France International, BBC, novinske agencije EFE i BETA, i međunarodne mreže AIM i IWPR.