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France Qualité Publique :: Les deux tiers des usagers de Pôle emploi satisfaits du (...) Consultation publique et appel à témoignages sur les modalités de facturation des fournisseurs d’énergie - Débats et forums publics. Local councils are facing a new frontier | Society. The traditional role for town halls is undergoing a radical shakeup as local authorities are being forced to contemplate a seismic shift in the way they operate in the wake of massive cuts to their budgets. Perhaps the most outlandish proposal was voted through by councillors at Conservative-controlled Suffolk county council last week. It is to proceed with plans for a "virtual" council that could outsource all public services to social enterprises, the voluntary sector or private companies. The aim is to turn the authority from one that provides public services itself, to an "enabling" council, which only commissions them.

The council hopes that off-loading services could shave 30% off its £1.1bn budget, as part of the government's drive to reduce the fiscal deficit. Ultimately, only a few hundred people could remain directly employed by the council, primarily in contract management. This could make implementing the plans problematic. She also thinks that services would deteriorate.