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Testing with technology

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Grade the Work, Not the Behavior. Real assessment for learning. Most educators have come to differentiate between assessment OF learning and assessment FOR learning. (I actually don't - I differentiate only between Assessment OF learning is typically defined as a summative evaluation that usually takes the form of a grade that judges a student after they are done learning. Assessment FOR learning is typically defined as a time for formative feedback that helps students learn from their successes, failures, mistakes and misconceptions. This feedback is timely and informative in nature rather than judgemental or evaluative. While it is true that the prospect of abolishing grading from school entirely may be controversial, the idea that we should never grade or judge students during formative evaluation is not up for debate. Some forms of conventional wisdom have teachers using rubrics to provide students with feedback during the assessment FOR learning process.

Every rubric I have ever seen involves the use of a fixed measurement scale. How Should We Test Students' College Educations? Copyright © 2012 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. This is TALK OF THE NATION. Critics denounce the CLA as inaccurate and unfair. Later in the program, Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker with questions about the political culture in America's crucial Middle East ally, Turkey. JEFFREY STEEDLE: Thanks, Neal, it's great to be here. CONAN: And the CLA made news recently when results of some institutions showed little difference between freshmen and seniors, which suggested to some that four years of college education did not make a lot of difference. STEEDLE: That's true, Neal, though I think it's important to recognize that the generalizability of those results are limited by what the CLA measures.

CONAN: And so obviously it's not testing for organic chemistry or mathematics. STEEDLE: Exactly. CONAN: So how are schools using it? STEEDLE: Schools are using the test really as a way to help them improve teaching and learning. Whitepaper: Social Media Measurement for Colleges and Universities. A Glimpse of Technology-Enhanced Tests - Curriculum Matters.