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Online Portfolios on the Behance Network. Brown dress with white dots. “ There is a life review, of course, but it was so much more interesting than I had ever imagined. For one thing, they show you how and where your life really happened. Things you didn’t experience or weren’t ever aware of, but which dyed the fabric of your life its final color.— Jonathan Carroll / Child Across the Sky “ How volatile and untrustworthy memory is. How naive we are to depend on such a fragile, temperamental mechanism to keep our most important records straight.— Jonathan Carroll / Bathing the Lion “ We want to be loved for what we are, but also for what we want others to _think_ we are.— Jonathan Carroll / Bones of The Moon.

Imaginarios Ilustrados. Los de la Revolución. +Acrílicas sobre gesso y recortes de papel. Más garabatos. Este dice un buen de veces pinche. :( Comadres +Intervención en juguete de cartonería. Olas A orillas del Papaloapán +Imprimatura de gesso y recortes de acuarela. 50 x 70 Delicias Caseras es una marca de condimentos y adobos cuya elaboración artesanal respeta las recetas de la cocina tradicional mexicana, presentando así un producto alimenticio gourmet.

Se diseñó la línea económica e industrial del producto, en donde la gráfica e ilustración de las etiquetas comunican los atributos propios a través de elementos icónicos, ornatos y familias tipográficas que armonizan la imagen, utilizando dos colores como base y uno más como distintivo individual. Colaboración con: Kuro Strada Alimentan +Recorte de papel con acuarelas en imprimatura de gesso sobre MDF. Obama’s shapeshifting Maldito reptil La selva y los monos arañas. +Sharpie y color digital. Michael Gillette / Welcome. Retrofuturs. Onesidezero Illustration : Portfolio No.1. Fonts, typefaces and all things typographical — I love Typography (ILT) Exposition Monet 2010 - RMN - Grand Palais - Paris.

Portfolio | Luke Waller's Illustration. Thought Questions - Asking the right questions is the answer. One makes oneself a visionary by a long, immense, and reasoned. One makes oneself a visionary by a long, immense, and reasoned disordering of the senses Paintings by Nicholas Kalmakoff Title: Arthur Rimbaud In 1955, a Russian émigré died alone, unknown and in poverty at the hôpital de Lagny to the north of Paris. After leading a hermit's existence in his small room at the hotel de la Rochefoucault in Paris, this former Russian aristocrat had created a fascinating body of work which, deemed eccentric and worthless, was locked away in storage and forgotten. Continue... Folkert. Le Love. 365q. Sketch Swap. I can read.

Marc Johns. Goodmorning & Goodnight | A refreshing dose of interesting. Care Daily. Yay!everyday.