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SEO 101: Meet the White Hats, Gray Hats, Black Hats & Asshats. On the heels of yet another “SEOs are just gaming the system and taking advantage of poor users” article, it’s time to set the record straight about “gaming the system.” Why do so many use our terms so incorrectly? And does Google really hate SEOs? I know all these questions have been addressed in this or that article, like in my discussion with Ken Krogue in his Forbes piece or in the latest letter by Senator John D. Rockefeller to Matt Cutts about SERPs and moving companies. Yet why is there so much confusion about search engine optimization?

In an attempt to clear things up, let’s take a basic look at SEO ethics with some terms and definitions. Before we dive in, it’s important to note that every SEO professional has their own opinion and what follows are just mine, though I believe them to be shared by others I know, respect, and speak with on panels at search marketing conferences from time to time. White, Gray, Black – Why Do SEOs Wear so Many Hats? Image Credit: Google Blogoscoped. PPC | Blind Five Year Old. The single easiest way to get more out of your SEO has nothing to do with traditional SEO. That's right, the best way to improve your SEO is a Google Remarketing campaign. What Is Remarketing? Google often botches their description of products but this time they've actually nailed it with a concise description and example.

Remarketing lets you show ads to users who've previously visited your website as they browse the Web.When you use remarketing, you'll tag pages of your site that correspond to certain categories you want to promote. One of the points where people seem to get confused is that they think it's only for traffic that originally came from paid search. You've spent time and effort to get someone to clickthrough on that search engine result and visit your site, yet comparatively few wind up converting. You have the opportunity to continue the dialog with those users, reminding them of their interaction with your site and brand as they visit other web properties. Using Registry Cleaner: Does Is It Really Make A Difference? Advertisements for registry cleaners are all over the Web. There’s an entire industry out there bent on convincing inexperienced computer users that their registry needs fixing, and that, for ten easy payments of $29.95, their computers will be much faster.

That isn’t true. The Windows registry is a massive database containing hundreds of thousands of entries, and a registry cleaner might remove a few hundred at most. This is great if you’re obsessively compulsive about removing useless database entries, but you won’t see any difference in performance. What’s the Registry? The Windows registry is a database that Windows and its applications store their settings in. What Registry Cleaners Do Registry cleaners scan your registry for these outdated entries and offer to remove them. In a best case scenario, a registry cleaner will remove a few hundred unnecessary entries and reduce the size of your registry by a few kilobytes. Above: These “problems” are not actually problems. Wrong.

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Fan Page Platform | Easily Customize your Facebook Page. How does Google search work? Features – Comments, Community, and Social Integration for Blogs and Web Sites. Android's new ally against the iPhone: Ubuntu | Mobile. Last year was a long time ago for Android. That was when Google's mobile platform was stealing market share from all the other smartphone platforms -- winning even against the iPhone -- and beating a path toward market dominance. But Android is now facing a renewed challenge from its archrival. Android's vulnerability against the iPhone can be summed up by looking at the two biggest wireless carriers in the U.S. -- AT&T and Verizon. At AT&T, the iPhone represented 78% of all smartphone sales in the first three months of 2012. At Verizon, which had been an Android stronghold since the launch of the original Motorola Droid in October 2009, the iPhone has picked up over 50 percent of all smartphone sales for each of the past two quarters ( Q4 2011 and Q1 2012).

How'd that happen? Android badly needs a new advantage against the iPhone in the next stage of the mobile platform fight. The Ubuntu factor Ubuntu is a friendly version of Linux aimed at the masses. Going beyond Webtop. Google’s Fresh Results: Irrelevancy In Action. Google continues to place a certain emphasis on the freshness of search results. Even with its latest monthly list of algorithm changes (which reminds me, another one should be coming out any day now), Google had five different changes related to freshness. Do you think Google’s increased emphasis on freshness has made results better? Let us know what you think in the comments. I’ve hinted at it several times while writing about Google, but I’ve never come out and written an article specifically about this. WebProNews puts out a lot of content. In this case, I was looking for the article I wrote back in August called “Does Google Need Twitter?”

The only mention of Twitter in either of the two articles ranking above the one I was actually looking for, comes in the author bio sections, where it says to follow me on Twitter. This is just one example, of course, but I see this all the time. “I find that recency is often given more credence than relevancy. We get it. Dropped In Rankings? Google's Mistake Over Parked Domains Might Be To Blame. Search rankings got you down on Google recently? It’s not the expected over-optimization penalty, as some have been guessing at.

Rather, Google may have thought your site was a “parked domain,” when it wasn’t. Search forums like Webmaster World and Google’s own search discussion areas have had much discussion about recent drops in ranking, such as here, here and as summarized by Search Engine Roundtable. Some have wondered if this was the release of what’s been dubbed an “over-optimization penalty” that Google previously said would be coming this year. Whether that really will be a penalty of pages with too much SEO or more likely a tougher crackdown on actual spam remains to be seen. But in either case, that penalty isn’t what’s happened. Rather, Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s web spam team, said the change is due to Google mistakenly classifying some sites as being parked domains, domains that generally lack any content other than ads.

Cutts posted on Google+ 10 HTML Tags All New Bloggers Should Learn. Are you a new WordPress blogger? Get the easiest-to-install social media buttons. Use Shareaholic for WordPress. If there’s one thing that’s intimidating as a new blogger, it’s learning the basic HTML tags. While there are several short cuts to creating these HTML tags on WordPress, shortcuts aren’t always enough.

When adding content to your sidebar, author profiles and even your blog posts these HTML tags will help you get the functionality and look you’re going for. All of the codes below can be entered in the HTML tab of WordPress as circled below. <a href=” rich anchor text</a> Let’s start with perhaps the easiest AND most important tag for new bloggers. Apart from the obvious benefit of being able to format the picture the way you want, using an alt tag in your image tags allows search engines to find your pics. If you’re a blogger who wants widgets in your sidebar (including advertisements or call to action buttons), then you need this tag! <b>Bold</b> Differences between an LLP and a Limited Partnership - LLP - Guide - LegalZoom. Definition of a Limited Liability Partnership - LLP - Guide - LegalZoom. Limited Liability Partnership A limited liability partnership, or LLP, is a relatively new creation. It operates much like a limited partnership, but gives each member of the LLP protection from personal liability, except to the extent of their investment in the LLP.

Generally, partners in a limited liability partnership aren't responsible for another partner's debts, obligations, or liabilities resulting from negligence, malpractice or misconduct. Professional organizations (such as accounting and law firms) often form as limited liability partnerships because an LLP is specifically-designed to limit malpractice claims against uninvolved partners.

Each partner is liable for debts and obligations created as a result of his or her own negligence, malpractice or misconduct, as well as negligence, malpractice or misconduct by any person under that partner's direct supervision. Tips for Avoiding the Spam Folder When Leaving Comments on other Blog. Introduction to Facebook Pages for Businesses and Orgs by Jerad Hill.

I opened a personal face page years ago. Some friends and relatives joined but I really did not contribute any content. When I wanted to start a face book page for my business I was hounded down because” all the cranks would write negative content.” I now understand from your lectures the positive advantages a Facebook page can have for your business. 1. A time line can show that you have had a continuing business over m any years. 2. You are a local with a track record and are prepared to accept positive and negative comments. 3. Microsoft announces the start of the campaign "We are looking for talent" | ITMOLDOVA. Săptămâna aceasta sa dat startul campaniei “Căutăm talente”, în cadrul căreia este planificată selectarea candidaţilor pentru obţinerea statutului Most Valuable Professionals Award. Cine sunt MVP, de ce are nevoie Microsoft şi care sunt beneficiile deţinătorilor acestui statut ne relatează Sergiu Cibotaru, Technology Advisor for Customers&Partners al companiei Microsoft, relatează

Sergiu, de când activaţi la Microsoft şi cum aţi găsit acest serviciu? Conform studiilor sunt un inginer IT, am absolvit Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei. La Microsoft lucrez de abia trei luni. Povestiţi-ne despre campania “Căutăm talente”. În cadrul manifestaţiilor desfăşurate pentru profesionişti IT la 11 şi 12 aprilie curent – IT Camp şi TechDay 2012 – Microsoft a anunţat startul campaniei “Căutăm talente”. Cine sunt Most Valuable Professionals? Echipa MVP Award Program Moldova există sau abia intenţionaţi s-o creaţi? Câţi MVP sunt în total în lume? Cum stimulează Microsoft aceste persoane?

How to make Anchor Text in Your Facebook Status for Promoting a Website ? - Blogging Alerts - How to Blog, Blogging, SEO, PPC, SMO & Search Engines Related Technology Blog. Anchor Text in Facebook Status If you are a user of facebook and want to promote your website by making anchor text in your facebook status then you can make anchor text in facebook by following method. (1) Logon to your facebook account. (2) On your facbook status type website which you want to promote and want to make anchor for that website. You can make the anchor text with the following example. (3) You will get the following. Do not click the share button. (4) Now click on the title of website.

. (5) Now by clicking it you can change your website title and make a useful anchor text for your website. (6) Now click the share button You will see your anchor text will be shown as follows. Managing Content Marketing eBook: Robert Rose. Facebook Tab Manager. Ads and Business Solutions - Facebook Help Center.


Updating our privacy policies and terms of service. In just over a month we will make some changes to our privacy policies and Google Terms of Service. This stuff matters, so we wanted to explain what’s changing, why and what these changes mean for users. First, our privacy policies. Despite trimming our policies in 2010, we still have more than 70 (yes, you read right … 70) privacy documents covering all of our different products. This approach is somewhat complicated. It’s also at odds with our efforts to integrate our different products more closely so that we can create a beautifully simple, intuitive user experience across Google. So we’re rolling out a new main privacy policy that covers the majority of our products and explains what information we collect, and how we use it, in a much more readable way. While we’ve had to keep a handful of separate privacy notices for legal and other reasons, we’re consolidating more than 60 into our main Privacy Policy.

What does this mean in practice? Finally, what we’re not changing. Lastest Version - The most popular net TV in the world. Really? The Claim: Flying Coach Raises Your Risk of Blood Clots. Christoph Niemann Flying in economy class may be easier on your wallet. But can it put a greater strain on your legs, raising risks of blood clots? For half a century, traveling in coach by plane, bus or train has been linked to deep vein thrombosis, which occurs when a blood clot forms in the body’s large veins, usually in the legs. Linked to sedentary behavior, the condition — referred to as economy-class syndrome — can be fatal if the clot reaches the lungs, causing a blockage known as a pulmonary embolism. But economy-class syndrome may be a misnomer. Research suggests that it is no more common in passengers who fly coach than in those who travel in first class.

Over all, the likelihood of one occurring in the month after travel is one in 4,600 flights. The panel found that there was “no definitive evidence” that traveling in coach had any affect on a person’s risk. There is no solid evidence that riding in coach raises the risk of blood clotting. Study of the Day: Gene Therapy Can Restore Vision One Eye at a Time - Hans Villarica - Health. New research shows promising results for the cure of congenital blindness and suggests that our eyes may be "immune-privileged. " PROBLEM: A few years ago, researchers behind a gene therapy trial on a form of inherited blindness reported partial success in deterring its progression into total blindness by adulthood.

Half of the patients whose worse-performing eye was tested on improved their vision enough to no longer be classified as legally blind. Can the same remedy work on their other eye without triggering a vaccine-like immune response? METHODOLOGY: Scientists led by the University of Pennsylvania's Jean Bennett and Manzar Ashtari injected a virus that carried a normal version of a mutated gene associated with inherited blindness into the untreated eyes of three subjects in the previous trial. They measured this vector's effect through standard eye tests and neuroimaging. RESULTS: The procedure did not prompt any adverse reactions. Image: Science/AAAS. Instagram Gets a Prettier UI and New Features - Prelude to an Android App? Everyone's favorite photo filtering and sharing app for iOS got a significant update on Friday afternoon.

Version 2.1 of Instagram adds a new filter, a tool for easily enhancing low-lit photos and a redesigned navigation. Sierra, the latest filter to join the Instagram family, is a white-bordered filter that adds a lightened, low-contrast vintage look to photos. As far as Instagram filters go, it's pretty standard stuff, but it's always nice to have new options. The more substantial addition to the app is a feature called Lux, which lets users automatically increase the brightness of photos and boost the contrast.

The option is meant to offer a way to improve underexposed photos and make them more Instagrammable. The visual overhaul of the navigation UI comes five months after the app's camera was redesigned in version 2.0. For Instagram, Android is the most logical next step for growth. Launching an Android app will expose it to a massive number of potential new users. Marketers Who Share Content Drive Traffic, Gain Customers [INFOGRAPHIC] Moka.

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