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Storytelling & Visualizations. Marketing to Millennials: The consumers to change the market landscape. Jamie Gailewicz oversees the Bailey Brand Consulting Client Services team, where he is involved in the ongoing management of clients, delivering sound strategies and inventive solutions.

Marketing to Millennials: The consumers to change the market landscape

To sell to any audience, you have to understand it. Discovering how its members think, act, and purchase is only the first step to finding new opportunities to engage with them. This is especially true of the Millennial generation, the newest target audience for many brands. As their purchasing power increases and the Millennials continue to drive consumer demand, it’s necessary to reevaluate this generation and develop strategies for engaging them. Each generation has an impact on society. Basic statistics about millennials To reach the Millennials and integrate a brand into their lives, you’ll need to understand the basics. The Baby Boom generation is a sizable force with significant influence on areas like purchasing power, political direction of the country, and now retirement. Underlying insights. Your Guide To Generation Z: The Frugal, Brand-Wary, Determined Anti-Millennials.

It's a crisp late-summer day in Tacoma, Washington, and Maya Makino has just started her sophomore year at the University of Puget Sound.

Your Guide To Generation Z: The Frugal, Brand-Wary, Determined Anti-Millennials

She's 19, which puts her at the upper end of generation Z, whose members currently range in age from 5 to 20. BBC Radio 1 music boss: grime will be Britain's next big cultural export. The new head of music at BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra has hailed the talent of black British artists and said the recent Brit awards could have done a better job of reflecting the diversity of UK music.

BBC Radio 1 music boss: grime will be Britain's next big cultural export

Mercury Prize: Grime star Skepta wins music award. How grime gave a voice to a generation. “Fourteen years ago, from the bowels of Bow E3, the voice of a generation emerged, blinking furiously under the glare of Canary Wharf’s aggressively gleaming paean to financial power.

How grime gave a voice to a generation

It was dark, it was angry, it was loud, it was unapologetic. It was innately provocative, it was fiercely independent. A Journal of Musical ThingsThe Politics of Anger: Will It Lead to More Angry Music? If you back through rock’n’roll history, you’ll notice a correlation between the predominant political atmosphere and the state of music.

A Journal of Musical ThingsThe Politics of Anger: Will It Lead to More Angry Music?

Think back When conservative regimes are in power in the White House (Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes) and 10 Downing Street (Thatcher mostly), rock gets more interesting. Add in 0ther elements of uncertainty–bad economies, war, racism, any number of international crises–the vibe of music changes. We seem to be entering one of those eras again.

Will Trump Bring Back Protest Music? Common, Drive-By Truckers & Others Weigh In. Could the incoming Trump administration spur a renaissance of socially relevant music?

Will Trump Bring Back Protest Music? Common, Drive-By Truckers & Others Weigh In

We asked five musicians who are known for their political songs and/or for having come up in a more musically activist era to give us their thoughts on whether we’re due for a return to politically-minded music… or whether that ship has sailed, regardless of who’s in power. Common, Billy Bragg, John Doe, Patterson Hood, and Erin McKeown gave us five very different perspectives. Kano: 'Grime is a battle culture... we shouldn't dumb ourselves down'

London becomes Essex in Buckhurst Hill, where back gardens stretch like cats and engines become distinct rather than blurred together.

Kano: 'Grime is a battle culture... we shouldn't dumb ourselves down'

Classical music is piped across its polite little tube station. In an upmarket Italian chain restaurant, ladies are lunching, as is grime MC Kano, 10 miles and half a life away from the East Ham of his youth. Kano has the charmed existence of the slightly famous. Karl Lokko. Gathering your ideas - Art as social commentary. 50 Amazing Social Commentary Illustrations. Pawel Kuczynski is an award winning illustrator and graduate of the Fine Arts Academy in Poznan, Poland.

50 Amazing Social Commentary Illustrations

This thought provoking collection of his work focusses on social commentary issues that make you look twice to uncover the meaning behind each piece. Party politics: why grime defines the sound of protest in 2016. TOM FORD LIPS AND BOYS: BRING ON THE BOYS. Loving review: civil rights tale marries heartfelt drama with too much restraint. Karl Lokko. Karl Lokko is a former gang leader who has now turned his life around, further this he has managed to harness his life experiences which has propelled and uniquely situated him as an activist/influencer within the U.K.

Karl Lokko

Karl is a gifted orator with a rare ability to connect with people on a human level, granting him undoubtedly the role of a bridge, bridging worlds and uniting community. Karl Lokko’s oratory capacity came into the light through the unfortunate and unsettling 2011 riots, where he was called upon to speak and express the hard to articulate feelings of the community in which he lives in. Karl Lokko is a ‘Big Changer’ and consultant for Big Change, a tireless community worker and campaigner working to reform gang culture in the U.K., currently doing the ground work to establish this country’s first therapeutic community gang rehabilitation centre whilst at the same time affecting policy around the issue. LGBTQ: Generation Z speaks straight from the heart. Two years ago, Article 377, which prohibits all same sex activity, or so called 'carnal intercourse against the order of nature,' caused an uproar in the country.

LGBTQ: Generation Z speaks straight from the heart

According to the section, same-sex activity is punishable by either life imprisonment or a 10 year imprisonment for less severe offenses. I feel Article 377 is unfair, because everyone deserves a chance to be who they are without being afraid of being jailed. How Stormzy helped to change Brits voting system after #BritsSoWhite controversy - BBC Newsbeat. This Is the Story Behind Young Thug's 'Jeffery' Dress. Young Thug—or No, My Name is Jeffery—dropped his new No, My Name is Jeffery project on Friday. The real standout from the album, IMHO, might be the cover art, which features Thug in a billowing purple dress (would you accept periwinkle as an accurate description for the dress' color?). The FADER tracked down the photographer for the project who told them about how the cover came together and revealed the story behind the show-stopping dress.

Garfield Larmond, the cover art's photographer, explained that Thug knew immediately upon seeing the dress that it was what he wanted to wear for the Jeffery shoot. Mercury Prize: Grime star Skepta wins music award. Olivia bee's call for radical diversity in the land of trump. On election night I stayed in a cabin in rural Montana. Watching the country get painted red, I sobbed my eyes out. Where Is The Love? Why Aren't There More Mixed-Race Relationships On Screen? When I first saw the trailer to A United Kingdom, I felt a prickle on my skin, a gust of affiliation to this story promising to tell the triumph of an interracial relationship.

I was bewitched by this film that showed a black man and a white woman in love, something of a given for me growing up in a mixed-race household but rare for my other home as a film programmer and writer - the movies. My normality was about to be in cinemas and it felt revolutionary. Love stories are the oldest in the book and there’s no sign of this going out of fashion. This year’s biggest blockbuster is a record breaking romcom - Bridget Jones’s Baby, and the greatest story ever told is still Romeo and Juliet.

How Block Workout's Terroll Lewis went from gang member to fitness entreprene... “Come on, five more! Four! Genderless fashion blurs lines on London catwalks. Brands Are Throwing Out Gender Norms to Reflect a More Fluid World. Apple adds more gender diverse emoji in iOS 10 - Apple. Sadiq Khan issues challenge to Donald Trump after US election win. Sadiq Khan today challenged Donald Trump to heal wounds of the most divisive election campaign in American history. Genderizing Makeup. Four Gender Neutral Denim Brands Getting Into the Unisex Game. Boys in pink: Tapping the 'genderless' fashion market.

No stranger to barrettes, bows and beauty products, Instagram icon and model Genking is a proud flag bearer for “genderless” fashion in which young men adopt unequivocally feminine styles and challenge traditional norms. With Generation Z comes genderless fashion. So far in 2016, Urban Decay has already announced gender fluid model Ruby Rose as its new ambassador; transgender model Ben Melzer has posed on the cover of Men’s Health Magazine; while transgender model Andreja Pejic has graced the cover of Marie Claire. Sorry Not Sorry, but Fashion Won't Be Truly Genderless Until More Men Wear Skirts. Between its tiny models, outrageous price tags and mind-boggling designs (hello, Hannibal Lecter masks), fashion isn't always the most inclusive of worlds.

But recently the industry has been celebrating a shift to greater inclusivity when it comes to gender, with designers sending men and women down the runway in identical outfits and retailers ending the divide between men's and women's sections. Is the Future of Fashion Genderless? Men in womenswear and women in menswear is nothing new, but clothing has taken a turn toward a less gendered appearance of late. Freeing kids from stereotypes? Meet the mumpreneur who created a 'gender neutral' clothing range for children (which means there are no labels for boys or girls)

Canberra mum launches gender neutral kids fashion label. The first male CoverGirl just appeared on Ellen. Log In. James Charles Interview - Jcharlesbeauty for Cover Girl. The Mercury Prize – Can You Predict The Winner With Streaming Data? Deezer to champion UK grime talent - M Magazine. 'Orange Is the New Black' actress: Immigrants 'are here to stay' - Nov. 11, 2016. Skepta And Levi’s®' 'Music And Revolution' Event At London's V&A In Photos - NME. Stormzy speaks out on being active, political and fighting racism. Stormzy: the 22-year-old grime spent time with GQ to talk about grime taking over the music industry.

Stormzy: ‘My man Jeremy Corbyn! I dig what he says' Mobos 2016: A look at the resurgence of grime as Skepta and Kano dominate nominations. Supreme just told racism and sexism to fuck off. Supreme Says No to Racism, Sexism & Political Ideologies With Tee. Karl Lokko. Streetwear Brand Supreme Endorses Hillary Clinton: Gothamist.

How Many Women Voted For Hillary Clinton? In The End, Not Enough. BBC Radio 1Xtra - "Unless I own my beauty, nobody else is... Sophie Theallet Refuses to Dress First Lady Melania Trump - Designers Refusing to Dress Melania Trump. Songwriter Roundtable: Justin Timberlake, Sting, Alicia Keys and More Hitmakers on Gender Bias, Trump's "Hitler-Level" Rhetoric and Fears of a "Divided States of America" A body of work about shaming. A body of work about shaming. Kendall Jenner La Perla Intimates Modeling Photos. Is Facebook going to start freeing the nipple? 'Free the nipple' sparks a moral debate.

Diane Guerrero on Her Parents’ Deportation and Why Trump Can’t Get Her Down. Top News Stories from 1999. A Brief Guide to Pop Culture in 1999 – Flavorwire. Mood rings - The 90 Greatest '90s Fashion Trends. Year in Review 1999. How Craig David Got Cool Again - NME. Craig David review – audacious return of a mild-mannered risk-taker. UK garage - Wikipedia. Noisey.vice. NEXT: Lady Leshurr Is Birmingham's Dose Of Rap Girl Magic. Mobos: Craig David crowned best male act. MC Jumanji Starts American Grime label. Mobos 2016: A look at the resurgence of grime as Skepta and Kano dominate nominations. In conversation with Akala. Will 2016 be the year grime cracks the USA? A ‘Loving’ Life. In Loving Colour: even in diverse Toronto, the pressure's on five interracial couples. Hollywood has long shown discomfort with interracial couples, but change is happening. Bugzy Malone review – northern grime star bares his soul in tales of the city.

Deezer launches grime channel and bursaries initiative. Grime music's 'time to impress', says Wretch 32. Rihanna reveals new hairstyle featuring hip-length dreadlocks  Molly O’Malia Celebrity Profile. Sophia Mitchell - Online Personalities - Pretty Ugly Little Liar. Is it OK for my kid to start her own YouTube channel? YouTube will livestream the election debates, too. #voteIRL: YouTube Launches Young Voter Campaign. Trump Election Could Threaten LGBT Rights Globally. Suicide hotline calls reached record high as Trump victory became clear. LGBT rushing to legally change gender before Trump becomes president. This is what 'whitelash' looks like.

Key Trump Backer And 9/11 Truther Joins Digital War On Fake News. Trump, LGBTQ rights — Your worst nightmares unlikely to come true. Would Trump’s Immigration Plan Lead to a Race War? » Alex Jones' Infowars: Th... How Trump took middle America. As Prince Harry and Meghan will find out, interracial couples still experienc... Emotional Tory MP Asks Theresa May Not Make Him Vote To Deport His Parents. Ethnic Minorities Reveal Why A Trump Presidency Sparks Fear For Them. These Women Are Stripping Down To Challenge Traditional Ideas About Gender (NSFW)