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Create a Badge with Google Drawing. Mysimpleshow: More than Just a Simple Digital Show. Wouldn’t it be great to have an online tool to help you explain key concepts and educational ideas to students and peer educators? Have you seen mysimpleshow? Have you tried it out? Because that is exactly what mysimpleshow does. Mysimpleshow, a 2017 AASL Best Website for Teaching & Learning, is an educational video creation tool that focuses on explainer videos.

If you need to focus on learning or teaching resources, educational ideas, or instructional materials mysimpleshow has you covered. Using mysimpleshow is easy. This is a great tool for digital storytelling, short videos, and class/library explanations. Mysimpleshow also focuses on student learning. Below is a video on how to use mysimpleshow, it’s a great tool, easy to use and a lot of fun. Author: Heather Moorefield-Lang Heather Moorefield-Lang is an associate professor at The University of South Carolina in the School of Library and Information Science. Categories: Blog Topics, Technology. Anchor: for painless podcasts. If you’ve been reluctant to attempt podcasting for yourself or for your students, Anchor, just might be your solution. Available free at either the App Store or Google Play or at, Anchor makes podcasting from your phone or iPad or Chromebook a breeze.

It also makes podcasting a social media event. And there’s virtually no learning curve to move from record to broadcast. After creating an account, users record voices and sounds around them by simply hitting the record button. Add some goodies (like background music) and you have yourself a podca st. Partnerships with Apple Music and Spotify allow for easy music integration. The interactive call-in feature makes it possible for others to phone in. To add to the fun and to the professional sound of your podcast, the app contains a library of interludes and background tracks and sound effects (like bleeps, attention signals, a rewind sound and the sound of a window breaking). Why podcast? Consider engaging your learners in. Can Learning to Knit Help Learning to Code? | MindShift | KQED News. Row 1: *k1, p1; rep from * Rows 2: *p1, k1; rep from *, or Row 1: (K1, P1) rep to end Row 2: (P1, K1) rep to end. Repeat these 2 rows for length desired.

“Computers do not understand the words we used in our explanation above: words like 'row,' 'repeat,' 'rep,' 'to,' 'from,' 'end,' 'length' and 'desired,' for example.” But what if the knitting pattern were written in code? Using coding’s regular expressions, the knitting notation above turns into something like: “((kp){10}\n(pk){10}\n){20}” “Students often feel anything to do with computing (especially coding) is in a separate bubble,” she said. Working with the hands can help both boys and girls develop thinking skills as well as fine motor skills, both of which are sorely needed in schools, says Michael Gurian, author of Boys and Girls Learn Differently.

Seeing how the hand is connected to learning goes beyond skills matching or STEM, but to the roots of human biology, says Stanford neurologist Frank R. Save Time with Social Media Tools. Time! Who needs more time? Yes, me, too. I have a great tool for you! Although the website does not provide more time (sigh), it may save time by allowing us to dive deeper into promoting our library with a variety of social media tools – all at one time. Social media can be a great way to tell your library’s story and advocate for the things you do that impact your school community. If This Then That (IFTTT) website connects different social media tools by using “recipes.” For example, you may post to your library Instagram account and the same post will automatically appear on your library Twitter account too. My Personal Favorites If I favor a tweet on Twitter, it will post that tweet in Evernote. Other Helpful Recipes Post a Video on YouTube and automatically tweet the video on Twitter.Create a blog post and tweet a link to the post.Post a photo on Instagram and it will post to Facebook.Like a tweet on Twitter and save the item in Evernote.

Get Started Tags: social media, technology. 2016 nmc cosn horizon report k12 EN.