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Recycling project - memo holder. I'm back with another project and video. This segment, for Going Green with Yolanda Green, was shot in August (time sure flies) and it aired a couple of weekends ago. The project is a little more elaborate, because there are more precise measurements involved. But the basic idea is rather simple. Watch the video below. Day 10 - scraps turned into magnets. Sometimes scraps can be a nuisance.

day 10 - scraps turned into magnets

Sometimes they can turn into something useful. After I made the cards that I showed you yesterday, the pieces of petals that were left over on the table looked too pretty to throw away. Day 24 - paper sconce tutorial. As you can see, I apparently have a slight obsession with tea lights and candles at the moment.

day 24 - paper sconce tutorial

I made a Paper Sconce for my Pebbles pattern and the good news is that if you're interested, you can make one too. Making it by hand won't be a problem with this pattern. The random uneven shapes will be very forgiving. Dia 7 - hexagon candle and tea light cover. A bit late today... but it almost seems appropriate since these are lit right now.

dia 7 - hexagon candle and tea light cover

I love candlelight. These are the tea light and candle covers that now reside on one of our side tables. I love the shadows that appear on the wall once the candles are lit. The SVG files for this project are now in the shop. It's been a typical family Saturday—soccer game, pool party and now getting ready to watch a movie.


Pliages. DIY expandable file from recycled cardboard & fabric scraps - BLOG. © 2010 Cameron Blazer // Cottage Industrialist Starting a fabric business—even an eco-friendly one—results in a LOT of fabric.

DIY expandable file from recycled cardboard & fabric scraps - BLOG

Fabric that, sadly, I rarely have time to sew with. Recently, though, I came up with a way to use up small bits of fabric and cardboard packaging that can be done in a little more than an hour. And it's useful, to boot! Quick project - bookmark. Here I am talking about reading again.

quick project - bookmark

The thing is that I finally got fed up with not having a decent bookmark to use. I know a random business card or scrap of paper will suffice, but why not make something a bit nicer to look at? Here's my solution: personalized bookmarks. How to make a paper hurricane cover. Here's an easy project for you.

how to make a paper hurricane cover

I enjoy lighting candles on rainy days like today and dressing them up a bit gives them a final touch. The interesting looking shadows it casts are an added bonus. Envelope Templates, Free Envelope Templates. Recycling project - security envelopes stationery set. Recycled Paper Envelopes – Crafting a Green World. Paper Published on October 14th, 2010 | by Kilduff Kolleen Often when I need cards, I find myself making them from paper and scraps of supplies I have around my office instead of purchasing them.

Recycled Paper Envelopes – Crafting a Green World

But for some reason I usually purchase envelopes for these cards. I have plenty of paper that usually gets put in the recycle bin, and I wondered why I was buying more paper in the form of an envelope? Newspaper bunting: a tutorial. I first had the idea of creating a banner out of newspaper when I was looking for ecological and economical decor elements for Mama Goose's new store (for those of you new to my blog, I was a design consultant last Spring for a children's re-sale shop...check sidebar labels).

newspaper bunting: a tutorial

Bunting, pennants, banners...whichever name you give them, are a dramatic and enthusiastic way to announce family celebrations. With this version of bunting all of the materials are readily available and no sewing skills are required. There are several components to this activity that lend themselves nicely to child participation.Here's a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"... Mini Origami Star Banner Made With Recycled Paper – Crafting a Green World. Painting the Newspaper Roses Red.

"Five and Seven said nothing, but looked at Two.

Painting the Newspaper Roses Red

Two began in a low voice, Why the fact is, you see, Miss, this here ought to have been a red rose tree, and we put a white one in by mistake... " Alice in Wonderland The past week I've been working on decorations for a birthday party. I'm trying to make most of the decorations out of newspaper. Learn to Make Paper Flowers!

Yumi and I started making these paper flowers about a year ago.

Learn to Make Paper Flowers!

We taught ourselves from a book (Yumi, do you remember the name??). My friend Phoebe reminded me that I was going to put up a little guide to share the flower love. How to: instant recycled paper flowers. I'd like to introduce you to my new favorite helper: Shredder! She's sharp, quick, and to the point! Literally. I discovered this crazy Edward Scissorhand tool in one of my favorite tiny shops in San Francisco, Bell'occhio. They use it for their signature gift wrapping. Paper beads. Paper Published on November 3rd, 2010 | by Becky Striepe 5. Paper Beads In this video, Threadbanger shows you how to turn old magazines into lovely paper beads: Have you guys done any crafty magazine reuse?

[Image Credits: Magazine Envelopes. Tags: diy, magazine crafts, Magazines, paper crafts, recycled, repurpose, reuse. Paper-bead tassels. For this project, a mix of ethnic patterns and bold colors inspired me. John Robshaw comes to mind when I think of the perfect pattern mix; his block-printed linens and patterned textiles display a fantastic combination of intricate and bold shapes and forms. My abundance of saved magazines constantly call me to reuse them for something creative. Holiday Craft: Wrapping Paper Stars. This photo originally appeared in FamilyFun Magazine Total Time 1 hour Ages all-ages These stellar but surprisingly easy party decorations (they come together with just a few cuts and twists) are made from all those odds and ends of holiday wrap you'd otherwise toss in the trash.

Hang one or dozens to brighten up the house come party time. Recycled Paper Napkin Rings – Crafting a Green World. Paper Published on November 18th, 2010 | by Sheryl Woodhouse-Keese We like the idea of making recycled paper napkin rings because it encourages the use of real cloth napkins over disposable paper ones. And, when they get worn, you can recycle them and make new ones!