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Seven Tips for A Successful Security Awareness Training Program converted. How to Submit a Sitemap to Google – And Other Important Info. How to Make a Security Awareness Training Programme Fun converted. 10 Waysto Improve Employee Cybersecurity Awareness. How Can You Make a Security Awareness Training Program Fun? When you think about security awareness training, ‘fun’ is probably not the first word that pops in your mind.

How Can You Make a Security Awareness Training Program Fun?

Whether you are an employee at a company asked (or forced) to go through a training program, or you are in charge of developing such a program for your business, the prospect of creating or attending such a program can often feel uninspiring. Most people agree, however, that such training is extremely important to keep employees informed about the wide variety of ways that security can be broken and how to be prepared to avoid issues. There are a number of techniques that companies can use to convey critical cybersecurity information as well as help ensure both employee retention and enjoyment while they are going through the program. Here are five great ways to make your security training more engaging. Make it Real. A Guide to Link Your Google Analytics 4 Property to Big Query. Google Updates Cumulative Layout Shift Scoring. Importance of XML and Image Sitemaps to Google. As an SEO specialist, one of your main goals is to utilize online tools to help a website communicate better with search engine robots.

Importance of XML and Image Sitemaps to Google

One of the tools that most SEO experts are using today is XML and image sitemaps. That is because Google and other major search engines support their use. So what are XML and Image sitemaps? XML sitemaps are plans of your site that helps guide the search engine robots to crawl or index website pages on the search engine results page. Some of the things you can include in an XML sitemap are SEO-relevant URLs, but there is no guarantee that a particular page will show up on the results page. Shopify SEO – How to Optimize Your Shopify Site for Google. How to Manage Crawl Budget and Boost Your Presence in Search. Why It Matters in Local SEO. E-A-T in digital marketing means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Why It Matters in Local SEO

These are all the qualities that excellent sites must-have. If you’ve been wondering how you could increase your page ranking, then improving the E-A-T of your pages is one way to make that happen. What is E-A-T in SEO? What is Google Core Update and How to Recover from One?