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How to and Tutorials

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Learn Windows Movie Maker with Free Tutorials. Free Windows Movie Maker tutorials - Windows Movie Maker is easy to use with powerful results. Great for business presentations, school projects or making a simple family photo album. What is Windows Movie Maker? Windows Movie Maker is a fun and easy to use video editing program that allows you to make home movies, automated photo albums and business presentations. 7 Part Tutorial Series - Getting Started in Windows Movie MakerLearn how to use Windows Movie Maker. This series of free Windows Movie Maker tutorials for beginners, takes you through all the steps on how to use Windows Movie Maker. Windows Movie Maker For Absolute Beginners - Free eCourseFree online lessons for learning Windows Movie Maker. Common Terms Used in Windows Movie MakerHere is a quick list of the most common terms used in Windows Movie Maker. First Steps in Windows Movie MakerWindows Movie Maker for Beginners. What Happened to My Pictures in My Windows Movie Maker Project File?

iMovie Video Tutorials - Learn How to Use iMovie From Video Tutorials. How to Host a Google+ Hangout on Air. While some critics have called Google+ a social networking fail, one of its features has emerged as a clear winner: Hangouts. The video chats not only connect small groups, but have also become an important broadcast platform with Hangouts on Air. Household names from Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama to Tyra Banks and the Muppets have connected with fans via Hangouts on Air.

SEE ALSO: 9 Google+ Power Users Still Going Strong Now, even users who haven't logged years of on-camera experience are getting ready for Google+ prime time. And the question is: How do you host a good Hangout on Air? We talked with seasoned Hangout broadcasters about their experiences with the platform. Here are some of their best tips for hosting a Google+ Hangout on Air.

Prep Your Setup The way you look and sound can impact any presentation. The keys to setting your stage are sound, lighting, image and background: Sound: Built-in computer microphones may not do the trick. Create Compelling Content Engage Your Audience. How To Create A Podcast. Podcasting is a brilliant way to reach people with your brand, whether it’s through interviewing experts in your niche or podcasting your novel. Multi-media posts also enable people to get to know you in a more personal way. People need to know, like and trust you in order to buy your books so it’s critical to find some way to be more personal on your blog. Not many authors are doing podcasts either so it can be a way to stand out plus you can build some brilliant relationships within your genre/niche. The Creative Penn podcast now has 80+ episodes, that’s over 40 hours of free audio on writing, publishing and book marketing based on interviews with experts from all over the world. I can truly say that podcasting has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

You have also sent me some brilliant feedback and the podcast now receives around 2000 downloads per month. I’ve had a number of emails recently asking me how to create a podcast so here is how I do it. Step 3: Edit audio. Support - iMovie.