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Creattica: Your source for design inspiration. Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines. 15 amazing tools for online collaboration. Individuals in design teams don't always work together in the same office.

15 amazing tools for online collaboration

You may be positioned in distributed groups, or working from home, and clients can come from all over the world. This is where collaboration tools come in – they make it easier and faster for designers to get feedback and approve artwork in a professional manner, and they come in all sort of forms, from free Android apps to Chrome extensions. Here we gather together some of the best available online tools to allow designers to collaborate together in real time. Some are created specifically for designers, some serve as a concept crafting whiteboard, and we've also included some more full-on project management tools for when you need to take your collaborative project to the next level. 01.

Want to improve communication with your team? Perfect for anyone managing a team of remote employees, Slack enables project development to move forward more smoothly. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Color Trends + Palettes. Themer by MyColorScreen - Android Themes in One Click. The Color Scheme Designer. Color schemes - Adobe Kuler. WebCamera360-Lighten your photos. 430 Icon packs for free - Vector icon packs - SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS & Icon Font - Free Icons. Social media platforms (Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc) Select your favorite social network and share our icons with your contacts or friends, if you do not have these social networks copy the link and paste it in the one you use If you have any other questions, please check the FAQ section.

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Create apps with the best app builder for iPhone and... Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen. CSS Type Set. Noisli - background noise and color generator for working and relaxing. Soundrown. Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. CSS Color Names. Animated gif editor and gif maker. DeviantART: where ART meets application! Création de logo, webdesign et bien plus encore. Create Interactive Online Presentations, infographics, animations & banners in HTML5 - Visme by Easy WebContent. 7 conseils pour créer des Infographies et attirer du trafic vers votre site Web ou votre Blog.

Nous vivons dans un monde où l'information rapide et gratuite est à portée de main. Bien que cela semble être une bonne chose, un problème se pose lorsque vous souhaitez interpréter la grande quantité de données disponibles tout autour de vous. Un grand nombre de lecteurs mettent en favori des articles ou renvoient les liens directement sur leurs boîtes emails car il est trop souvent trop conséquent de lire et de retenir toutes les informations d'un seul coup. Si vous avez votre propre site web ou votre blog, vous devez comprendre que les gens sont à la recherche d'un moyen rapide pour comprendre et enregistrer des informations.

Le simple texte ne fonctionne pas parfois - il est trop dense et ennuyeux à lire. Alors, quoi faire ? Par le biais de l' infographie, il est facile de partager des idées complexes et de les faire ressortir de manière attrayante et intéressante. Sans plus tarder, voici donc 7 conseils pour créer vos propres infographies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - Online Vector Avatars Generator for Your Site. THEME LIKE. Panda - Daily Inspiration and News for Designers. Make Your Own Book - Kids Self Publishing. Supalogo - create nice logo. Free logo design, Create a logo, Logo Maker, Logos, Business Logo. Logo Maker, Logo Design Software. Vector Art, Images, Graphics & Clipart. Download Free Vector Graphics, Vector Art & Images. Vecteezy! - Download Free Vector Art, Stock Graphics & Images... Générateur d'images gifs à effet gratuit - faire montage image photo animer effet photo gratuit photoshop blog effets speciaux gratuit filtre générer animation montage bloggif image gifs gratuites effet photo gratuit. Bomomo.