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Scandinavian-Inspired Clay Ornaments | Julep. By Olivia Kanaley, DIY Editor With Christmas only a few weeks away it’s time to start decking the halls and trimming the tree. These clay ornaments are a snap to make, and their soft matte white finish gives them a crisp modern look. Pair with birch tones and red accents for a Scandinavian-inspired holiday. Supplies: Air dry clayCookie cutterRolling pinPin or toothpickScissorsRibbon or twineQuick dry glue Step one: Roll out clay with rolling pin until it is about a 1/4″ thick. The Best Ideas from Halloween 2013. 18 Oct If you’re an MPMK pinterest follower, then you know we’ve had some exciting stuff going on over the past few weeks. Juggernaut pinner, Jane Wang, has once again invited me to co-host one of the biggest holiday themed boards on pinterest: Gather & Crow!

Along with this being a huge honor, it’s also an incredibly fun experiment into what the people really want. Rarely have I had access to such a huge audience and seeing what ideas excites them most is so intriguing. What has quickly become apparent is that the ideas that rise to the top are those that use easily accessible, everyday items in new and incredibly clever ways. Also, food (as always) is huge. Today I’ve put together a small collection of the pins that have proven most inspiring this Halloween. In other Halloween news, I’m back at eHow’s craft channel this week with this colorful origami paper spiderweb garland. And, finally, over on sulia this week we’re talking: P.S. P.S. Summer dreams and faery wings - make magic from your own backyard. A couple weeks ago I was house-sitting and since I was only there for four days I didn't pack too much to take with me and that included craft supplies. Wandering around the mossy trees and dense forest paths I started scooping up bits and goodies that I could use to create.

A whole tin bucket full of lush moss, flower petals and maple tree samaras (helicopters is what I usually call them) were my finds of the week. I've had Halloween on the brain ever since Vanessa mentioned her blog party date at A Fanciful Twist and I got to thinking about bottles filled with potion ingredients. Rat tails, bat wings and eye of newt...that sort of thing...except I don't like that gross aspect and my helicopters looked more like faery wings to me. I pulled them apart initially, but cleaned up the edge with scissors. Then I mixed some metallic green craft paint with a wee bit of water (for a little transparency).

It's that simple! Don't they look just like a wing? Faery eggs? Spring Ornaments with Baking Soda Clay. DIY Pantone Easter eggs. How About Orange. DIY. Fortuitously (?) , I got sick last week. I was supposed to read the book for this month's book club (feel free to join in! More deets here) but you know how you get when you're sick? You just can't work the mind too well. SO, I made lots of paper flowers instead. So, this is how it goes. Materials: crepe paper (double sided works so well!) Step 1: Cut out petals following the instructions from this post. Step 2: After you've made as many flowers as you intend to use, go outside and spray the base of each flower with a coordinating spray paint. Step 3: Add floral foam into your basket. Donzo! Gleee! And if you make your own flowers, post it to Instagram and tag it with #larsflowers I want to see them! 79 Ideas: 79 Ideas Magazines.

Christmas Ornaments: Ribbon Candy Ornaments | Homemade Christmas Ornaments. This photo originally appeared in FamilyFun Magazine Total Time 1 hour Ages all-ages This fun-to-fold ribbon candy decoration really dresses up a tree or a window. Arrange several in a small box, and you've got a great gift package to send to a long-distance relative or family friend. What you'll need 17 inches of 1 1/2-inch-wide wire ribbon (striped or solid colors work well) 16 inches of clear fishing line or decorative thread Needle Pencil How to make it For each ornament, fold down 1/4 inch at each end of the ribbon, then accordion-fold the ribbon in 1 3/4-inch sections. Christmas Ornaments {Free Printables. Christmas paper decorations. Here are some Christmas decorations inspired by the good old British weather!

We’re putting the tree up this weekend so more decorations to come over the next week. When do you normally put yours up? (When I was little it was usually a Christmas eve job but nowadays my neighbourhood seems to go for December 1st!). (BTW: Don’t forget to put your loop of thread in before sticking the models together – I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve done that!) Templates – – – – – – – – Snowflake tetrahedronSimple snowflake icosahedronSnowflake icosahedronMountain tetrahedronRaindrop cubeGrey Gem (model 2) If you want plain templates without the designs on you can check out my platonic solids templates, my paper gems templates or my diamond template. Happy cutting/folding/sticking! Diy star. November 18, 2012 It´s not that many weeks left until christmas, so I wanted to show you an easy way on how to make your own christmas star.

Once you learned the basics of making this kind of star, you can modify the look on it however you like it the most. /// Med bara fem veckor kvar till julafton, vill jag visa er hur man enkelt gör en egen julstjärna. När man väl har lärt sig grunden till den, så kan man ändra utseendet till den varianten man gillar mest. First you cut a paper into 12 pieces. (1cmx21cm). Then you glue two strips together like a cross. You can use paper clips or clothespins to keep it in place while it dries. ↓ /// Först klipper du ut 12 rektangulära bitar ur ett papper med måtten 1cmx21cm.

Then you add two more strips and alternate them over and under. ↓/// Sedan tar du två bitar till och limmar fast dem. And do the same in the other direction. ↓ /// Gör nu likadant åt andra hållet It should look like this: ↓ /// Nu borde det se ut så här: ↓ And you are done! MyLifebox: DIY :: Origami Christmas Tree. And finally I managed to post this origami tree tutorial...for those who follow me on instagram, you know I've made these last week.

So if you wanna know how to make this.... DIY Holiday Decor. Dec04 Each December I make the effort to take on at least one holiday craft project. Because it’s true what they say – homemade/handmade really does mean more. I can look back at past projects and know just what was going on in my life the years that I made them, almost like a timeline. I haven’t decided on my project for 2013 just yet, but these 25 (yeah, that number is no coincidence) are for sure in the running! Click on each image to go to the project.All photos copyright of their respective sites unless otherwise noted. 4 Comments on “DIY Holiday Decor” Leave a Comment. DIY: Thanksgiving inspired cat toys! In the spirit of giving thanks, I decided I would give thanks to Peanut (even though she's bad all the time) and make her some Thanksgiving inspired handmade cat toys! These are pretty easy to make, and they don't require much in the way of supplies or skills.

You will need some felt, catnip, embroidery thread, needle, scissors, crinkly trash, and something to stuff the toys with--I used some acrylic yarn I had around. I purchased these sheets of felt at JoAnn's for $0.35 a sheet. If you are making these toys for your own cat, they will try to help. Peanut went on a rampage and ruined everything for about 10 minutes after she got her paws on some of this catnip. See figure a. Once you have restored order (or at least some semblance of it) cut out two identical feather-shaped pieces of felt in the color of your choosing.

Add a few felt bits of flair to jazz up the feather and add some dimension. Next, you'll want to embroider some detail on the feather. DIY Friday: Ombre Pinecone Tutorial. A few years ago I found two very beautiful pinecones around my neighborhood. I took them home and placed them on my bookcase not knowing that it would spark a love for collecting pinecone from the different places that I have visited within the U.S. I have taken home a foot long pinecone from a campsite at Idyllwild and some tiny pinecones from my trip to Oregon.

After collecting a basket full, I started thinking of ways to dress them up. One day I had some paint laying around and decided to add a pop of color to a pinecone by painting just the tips of the pinecone. Materials: - A pinecone- Acrylic paint in three or four different shade of the same color- Angled paint brush- An old toothbrush Construction: 1. Depending on the size of the pinecone you can either use three shades for a small to medium size pinecone or four different shades for a large size pinecone. DIY Chindi Reindeer. The moment I spotted these colorfully wrapped reindeer and moose at Anthropologie last December, I knew I had to DIY it for HonestlyWTF this holiday season. Created in the style of vibrant Chindi rugs from Jaipur, India, these wrapped reindeer are incredibly fun to make, are a clever way to repurpose old t-shirts, and make fabulous gifts!

You’ll need:paper mache reindeer or any other animal1 yard total of various colors of cotton or wool jersey2 small brown pom pomshot glue gunlots of glue sticksscissorsjingle bells (optional)string (optional) Start by cutting the fabric, along the width, into 1″ strips. For a medium sized paper mache object, 26-30 strips should suffice. Pull at both ends of each strip of jersey. Beginning in the middle of the torso will serve as the guideline. Continue twisting, glueing, and wrapping. As the rope begins to runs out, tie a knot at the end. Keep wrapping and again, follow the contours of the reindeer. And your Chindi reindeer is finished!! DIY Festive Rainbow Wreath. First, thank you so much for the tree love yesterday.

It means the world to me! I was very pleased with how the tree turned out and even more pleased that you love it as much as I do. Now, welcome back to the 12 Days of Christmas! Can you believe it’s already Day 5? As you may have guessed from the title, I decided to make a wreath to match my tree. So today, I’m going to quickly take you through how I put it together. I started off with this wreath. I then gathered all off the extra ornaments I had from my tree, plus some new ones I had purchased. I quickly laid out the color arrangement on the wreath. I hot glued on one ornament of each color and then I just started filling in. I randomly added ornaments of each color and continued to fill in until I thought it looked good. After that, I whipped up a quick bow (I’m hoping to do a bow and wrapping tutorial one of these days. I have to admit the red door really makes it pop. I’m loving it! Donna from Funky Junk Interiors.