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Alexis Freeman

I'd like to shine with you, but I'll shine just as bright without you. first glance: milado. Five feet, eight inches & 165 pounds (give or take a few) brown eyes, brown hair. fairly simple. double take: my favorite color is red. my favorite restaurant is Conquistador, ohh, & Swiss Chalet my favorite tv show is Grey’s anatomy. music is the best invention ever, it’s saved my life. I love driving, even if there’s no destination, or it’s for days on end. I love polka dots, butterflies & blue roses. I love Carlee, she’s my beach buddy for life & we share a love for food & thongs, no one will ever understand. I love flats, just shoes in general, but I don’t shop a lot. I love drinking & dancing & anyone who can make me laugh uncontrollably. a little more personal: I contradict myself frequently. I suffer from random, severe cases of word vomit. I can be super-bitch & apparently I’m stubborn. my life consists of awkward moments. I’m a pretty shy person & I’m HORRIBLE at making conversation. I love meeting new people. I have the HARDEST time saying no to people, and I avoid conflict at all costs. I may seem like I have it all together, but I really have no clue. I don’t have the attention span for movies. I HATE talking on the phone, it’s awkward, texting is my savior. I’m not high-maintenance, but I’m not a tom-boy. I swear a lot, which I never used to do. I eat too much take-out. I have really strong opinions on politics & controversial issues. (yeah, I’m a bit of a nerd) Portuguese people are awesome, anybody who will constantly offer me food&drink are my best friends. random thoughts: I hate feet. waiting at the bus stop with people is awkward. I eat blueberries while I grocery shop. please don’t sit beside me on the bus, I gave you a dirty look for a reason. intellectual people rock my world. socks are annoying. cat’s are gay. once a cheater, always a cheater. broads are annoying, full of drama, and difficult. how come broads let themselves go and turn into monsters after they get married? old people with braces are weird. I think mid-life crisis’ are just an excuse to get divorced, buy fancy cars, date younger people & run away. You get married forever, not ‘til you find someone better. Liquid courage is the best thing EVER. *


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