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Libre Calc. Differential Equations. Study Music. FORTRAN Tutorial - Free Guide to Programming Fortran 90/95. Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. Calculus 3. Drawing a Geologic Cross Section. Structural Geology Terms Flashcards. Difference Between Joints and Faults. Joints vs Faults Geology is a very fascinating subject to study, but the thing is, it has many terms that are really confusing and oftentimes difficult to understand.

Difference Between Joints and Faults

This is because most of the time what we see in our surroundings are described in two ways: how ordinary people perceive them and the view of scientists. A prime example of that in geology is how we define the cracks in the Earth’s surface. We average folks tend to look at all of them as the same, but scientists can distinguish two types: joints and faults.

Spanish II