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How to write a FaceBook Application in 10 minutes. Writing F8 apps is where it’s at right now.

How to write a FaceBook Application in 10 minutes

Everybody knows it. The userbase is huge and now we have a (free) API to. Everything is good….but the documentation. Build your first Facebook application. When you develop and deploy an app or game on Facebook you need to invoke the Facebook API to login as well as to get details about the user, friends, photos, and other information.

Build your first Facebook application

There are currently several official SDKs that you can use to perform such tasks via the Facebook Graph API. This article will guide you through the basics of using the JavaScript SDK with ActionScript 3. The Facebook API is simple and supports rapid extensibility without API changes, via the Graph API. A good place to begin is with these three Facebook JavaScript API calls: FB.init – initialize Facebook APIFB.login - login to FacebookFB.api - perform a Graph API call on Facebook.