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The Five Best Open Source Calendar Servers for Linux. Finding Linux-based calendar clients, like Evolution or Mozilla Lightning, is easy — but what about the server-side software? You'll find some great calendar servers for Linux, if you know where to look. From light-weight to heavy duty, Cosmo to Darwin, we've picked five of the best open source calendar servers for Linux for you to try.

Calendaring software has come a long way on the client side in recent years; the Linux desktop has a healthy selection of apps to choose from, including Evolution, Mozilla Lightning, and KOrganizer. But, at the same time, much of their usefulness really stems from the popularity of the server-side calendar sharing protocols, iCalendar and CalDAV. But just like you don't want a email address on your business card, serving up your business's public calendar of events through Google Calendar or Windows Live Hotmail Calendar can make your organization look less-than-professional.

Darwin Calendar Server DAViCal Bedework Radicale Cosmo. Etherpad. Go together. - Wagn. Sockethub. Prosody IM - Jabber/XMPP server. Fzaninotto/uptime. Free Web Analytics Software - Analytics - Piwik. Errbit/errbit. Apache CouchDB. GITLAB: Self Hosted Git Management Application.

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